Your Samsung N150 netbook guide
Read this first. It’ll help you get started.
We’re better, connected
Getting started
4. Registering your mobile
broadband account........................................5
Getting online
4. Home Wi-Fi.....................................................8
5. Once you're connected..................................8
Using your netbook
6. My ø...............................................................13
Getting started
1. What to do first
1. Put in your sim. With the laptop upside down, insert the sim with the ø logo
facing up, and the edge with the cut corner first. Push it in until it clicks.
2. Put in the battery. Push it in until it clicks.
3. Remove all the packaging and plastic film from your netbook's lid and screen.
4. Plug it in.
5. Turn it on.
The first time you use the battery, charge it for at least two and a half hours.
(You can use your netbook while it’s charging.)
2. Setting up Windows
This will take about forty five minutes.
Windows will start to prepare your netbook as soon as you turn it on.
1. Choose your language, click Next.
2. Choose your country or region, time and currency, and your keyboard layout.
Click Next.
3. Type a username. You can choose a computer name too. Click Next.
4. Type a password (you don't have to enter a password, but if you do, remember to
make a note of it). Click Next.
5. Read the agreement. If you accept, tick the box. Click Next.
6. Choose Ask me later. We'll tell you how to turn Windows updates on later.
7. Set your time and date. Click Next.
8. Choose Skip. We'll tell you how to set up wireless networks later.
Windows will now configure your netbook. Your ø Software will also be installed
now. It might take a while, so make sure you keep your computer plugged in.
Tip: Your computer may restart during the set up, don't worry, that's normal.
You may also see these boxes during installation:
• A McAfee warning telling you your computer isn’t fully protected.
You just haven’t registered your software yet. Close this box for now, we’ll show
you how to register with McAfee later in the guide.
• A Connection Manager box, with the title, 'ø Mobile Broadband Account'.
Ignore it for now, we'll fill it in later.
3. Creating a backup point
This will take about thirty minutes.
After Windows has finished installing, a backup point will be set. A backup point is
a saved 'snapshot' of your netbook's data. It's used as a backup so if anything goes
wrong you can go back to that point.
Samsung Recovery Solution 4 software will set your backup point for you.
Tip: Only set the partition size for drive C and D using the slide bar if you are an
advanced user.
1. To start click Next.
2. Click Restart Now. A screen will pop up saying you still have programs open.
Just wait a bit and they'll automatically close down. Your computer will then restart.
3. Once the backup point has been created click OK to restart your netbook.
4. Registering your mobile broadband account
Once your computer reboots, you’ll see a box called ø Mobile Broadband Account
(this is Connection Manager). Follow these steps:
1. Tick the I'm on the ø Mobile Broadband Pay Monthly button and fill in
your details.
2. Fill in your bill date. That’s so Connection Manager can estimate how much data
you’ve used. (Don't worry if you don't know your bill date just now, you can add
this later by clicking View Usage.)
3. Fill in your other details. That’s so we can keep you up to date with any new
software updates.
4. Click Continue.
5. A screen will pop up called 'User Account Control'. This is giving Connection
Manager the correct security settings. Click Yes.
6. You will now automatically be connected to ø Mobile Broadband. To connect to
Wi-Fi for a faster connection which doesn't use your data allowance, see page 7.
For detailed information on connecting to mobile broadband, or using Connection
Manager to connect to a Wi-Fi network, see the Using mobile broadband section
towards the rear of this guide.
Getting online
There are three ways to connect.
1. ø Mobile Broadband. This uses the ø mobile network to connect to the
internet. You can connect anywhere, as long as there's ø mobile coverage.
Check your coverage at
2. Public Wi-Fi hotspots. These are wireless networks. You can connect to Wi-Fi
through The Cloud for no extra charge in places like Pret A Manger and McDonalds,
and through BT Openzone. Other Wi-Fi hotspots might charge you if you connect.
Wi-Fi is usually faster than using the ø network.
3. Home Wi-Fi. This uses your home broadband, and usually gives you the fastest
speeds. If your home broadband has a wireless router, Connection Manager can
automatically connect to it. You just need to let it know which network is your
home Wi-Fi. Or, if you want to create a new network, read the help guide in
Connection Manager (click the ?, then double click Getting Connected and
choose Adding a Wi-Fi Network).
Tip: Wi-Fi is usually the fastest way to connect to the internet (at a public hotspot or
at home). You also won't use up any of your data allowance when you use Wi-Fi.
1. ø Mobile Broadband
If Wi-Fi isn't available, Connection Manager will automatically connect you to
ø Mobile Broadband.
If it doesn't, or if you want to connect manually, here's how:
1. Double click the ø icon on your desktop to open Connection Manager. If you can't
find it, go to Start > All Programs > O2CM-CE > O2 Connection Manager >
O2 Connection Manager.
2. Click Show available networks.
3. Double click O2-UK (or whichever network you want to connect to).
4. Click Yes.
When you're done, click Disconnect.
2. Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi's is usually the fastest way to connect to the internet. It's bundled into your
ø laptop package*. (Using it won't use up your data allowance on the ø network.)
*As long as you're using BT Openzone or The Cloud. You can find out more about the
terms of your package in your tariff details.
3. Public Wi-Fi hotspots
You can connect to Wi-Fi through The Cloud or BT Openzone for no extra cost.
If you're in a hotspot, it will connect automatically.
If you're connected to a BT Openzone Wi-Fi hotspot, you can start using the internet
straight away. To use BT Openzone, you'll need to have connected to mobile
broadband at least once before.
The first time you connect to The Cloud, an internet browser will open and you'll need
to register. (We've explained how below.)
You can also connect to other Wi-Fi hotspots. (You might have to pay, though.)
If Connection Manager doesn't automatically connect you to a Wi-Fi Hotspot:
1. Double click the ø icon on your desktop to open Connection Manager.
If you can't see it, go to Start > All Programs > O2CM-CE >
O2 Connection Manager > O2 Connection Manager.
2. Click show available networks.
3. Double click the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to. In this example we've
chosen ø UK Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi Zone – The Cloud).
4. Click Yes.
5. Type your ø Mobile Broadband number and click Go.
Tip: You only have to type your ø Mobile Broadband number the first time you use
The Cloud. After that you can go online straight away.
4. Home Wi-Fi
You can get help creating new networks by going to the Connection Manager's help
guide. Here's how.
1. Click the ? in Connection Manager.
2. Double click Getting Connected.
3. Choose Adding a Wi-Fi network.
5. Once you’re connected
This box might pop up:
• A McAfee warning telling you your computer isn’t fully protected. Your computer
is protected, you just haven’t registered your software yet. Close this box for now.
We’ll show you how to register with McAfee later in the guide.
Using your netbook
Here’s some information on how to get the best out of your netbook.
1. Windows updates
Updates are often large files, so it will be quicker if you use a Wi-Fi or home
broadband connection – and it won't use up your data allowance. Follow these
steps to keep Windows up to date:
1. Click
at the bottom left of the screen.
2. Choose All Programs.
3. Click Windows Update.
4. Click Check for updates.
Windows will check for updates. Follow the instructions on the screen.
2. About McAfee Internet Security
You’ve got McAfee Internet Security for the life of your ø contract.
It protects you and your family when you’re online.
McAfee Internet Security includes:
• Anti-virus
• Anti-spyware
• Anti-spam
• Anti-phishing
• Two-way Firewall
• Web Site Safety Ratings
• Parental Controls
3. Adding McAfee security
McAfee Internet Security is included in your contract. Your computer will be protected
by McAfee as soon as you set it up. But you’ll need to register to get updates and
keep your computer as safe as possible.
4. How to get your password
Within two days of buying your netbook, we’ll send you your username and
password in two ways:
– By email
We’ll send this to the address you gave us when you set up your ø contract.
– To Connection Manager
1. Double click the Connection Manager icon on your desktop.
2. Click on the envelope icon to open your texts.
Your username and password will be in your text inbox.
5. How to register:
1. Make sure you’re connected to the internet, then open up McAfee by
double-clicking the icon on your desktop.
2. After a few minutes you'll see this screen. Type your username and password.
Read and accept the licence agreement and click Next.
3. Click Finish.
Once you’re registered, we suggest you connect to Wi-Fi and run an update.
You can open up McAfee any time by clicking the icon on the desktop.
4. When McAfee's finished updating, it might ask you to restart your computer.
We recommend you click Restart my computer now.
6. My ø
My ø can do a number of things. Some features that you might find helpful are:
– it spots and fixes problems (by itself, or with your help)
– it checks for updates and messages from ø
– it lets you chat online with the customer service team
– it helps our customer service team fix any problems over the phone
My ø works best if you always have it running on your netbook.
My ø doesn’t affect anything else on your computer. And it won’t send us any
information about you or any websites you’ve visited.
7. Open Office
Open Office is on your netbook and ready to use. It has word processing, spreadsheet
and presentation applications. For more information visit
Open Office Disclaimer
‘These binaries (installable software) are in development. They may not be fully stable and should be used with caution.
We make no claims about them.’
Using mobile broadband
1. Text messages
You can send and receive texts through Connection Manager, with your ø Mobile
Broadband number.
2. Text notification
We'll send you a text to let you know when you've nearly used up your data.
3. When you get a new text
You'll get a pop up at the bottom of your screen.
A message screen will also pop-up. Click View Messages to go to your inbox and
read your text.
If you'd rather read the message later, click OK to close the screen.
4. Reading your texts
1. Click the envelope
in Connection Manager.
2. Click Inbox to see your texts.
5. To send a text
1. Click on the envelope
in Connection Manager.
2. Choose the new message icon.
3. Write your message and type in the mobile number you want to send it to.
4. Click Send.
Texts you've sent will stay in the Sent Items folder.
Tip: You can import your contacts from Outlook or Outlook Express. Click the
Envelope icon > Contact list icon > Import Contacts.
6. How much does it cost?
Receiving texts is free. You also have 300 texts a month included in your package.
To send more than 300 texts a month, check for the most
recent prices.
Be careful if you're sending or receiving texts while abroad. It's a lot more expensive.
See for more details.
7. The speed of your mobile broadband connection
ø uses different types of Mobile Network: GPRS, EDGE, 3G and HSDPA. HSDPA is the
fastest. Connection Manager will connect you to the fastest type available.
8. Using ø Mobile Broadband abroad
You can use your ø Mobile Broadband in over 100 countries. But remember, roaming
charges are outside your monthly allowance and it can get expensive. You can see the
exact costs at
To keep you protected from surprise costs, you'll need to let us know before you
want to use your mobile broadband abroad. Information on enabling your mobile
broadband for international use, and details on charges can be found at Here you'll also find information on our data
roaming Bolt On.
If you're a Business customer, you're already enabled for International use.
You can add Bolt Ons on the same page.
9. Your bill
You can see your bill any time at Sign in and choose My ø.
We'll also send you an email when you're able to see your bill online. Your monthly
bill date is the date of your email, or the date written on your bill (if you asked for a
paper version).
Don't worry if you don't know your bill date when you're setting up Connection
Manager. You can type it in afterwards by clicking View Usage.
If you're a business customer, you can see your bill at Sign in or
register for a My ø Account, then choose My Bill Analysis. Your bill date is the
same as everyone on your account. If your business doesn't have an account, your bill
date will be about a day after you bought ø Mobile Broadband.
10. Understanding your first bill
Once you've signed a contract, it takes us a few days to set up your bill. This means
your first bill covers a slightly longer period than your other bills. So it will have a few
extra days' charges on it (the time between you buying your laptop and us setting
up your bill). Your second bill will be your usual amount.
11. Extra charges
We'll add in Bolt Ons, like International Roaming, and charge you if you go over
your monthly allowance on the ø network. Go to
for details.
12. Checking your data use
Your ø Mobile Broadband comes with a monthly use allowance on the ø network
as part of your contract. We'll have to charge you if you go over your allowance.
Go to for details.
Tip: To avoid any surprises on your bill, we recommend you use Wi-Fi or your home
broadband network to download large files.
Tip: You can see how much data you've used in Connection Manager.
1. Double click the ø icon on your desktop to open Connection Manager.
2. You'll see how much data you've used above the View Usage button.
3. Click the View Usage button to see details of your data bundle. You'll see
how much data you've used, and the details you entered when you set up
Connection Manager.
You'll get a pop-up when you've nearly used up your data. We'll also send a text
to your Connection Manager. For more information on receiving text messages,
go to page 14.
You can check how much data you've used on the ø network online, too.
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your username.
3. Choose My recent charges.
4. Choose UK browse and download.
There's a 24 hour delay, so the number might not match your up to date bill exactly.
13. Problems getting connected
If you're having trouble connecting, try one or more of these steps:
1. Check the sim card
Take out the sim and wipe it with a dry cloth. With the laptop upside down,
insert the sim with the ø logo facing up and the cut edge going in first.
Push it in until it clicks.
You can check the sim card works by trying it in an ø mobile phone. If it doesn't
work in that either, call us on 0844 809 0202 and we'll replace it for you.
2. Move the computer
Try a different place. Something might be getting in the way of the mobile signal, just
like it can when you're using a mobile phone.
If you still can't connect, go to
Or call us on 0844 809 0202 (0800 977 7337 if you're a business customer).
Tip: You can read FAQs and a glossary at
Safety information
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
SAR is a measure of how much energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to a
radio frequency, like a mobile phone signal.
It's covered by EU guidelines. The SAR limit for wireless equipment is 2.0 watts/
kilogram. We've tested this netbook, and the highest SAR value we recorded was
below this limit.
Reduction of hazardous substances
This netbook complies with the EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
Directive (directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council).
1. Automatic Windows Updates
Sometimes your computer will ask you if you want to download new software.
You don’t have to, but it will keep your software up to date. These updates can use
up quite a lot of data, so we suggest you connect to Wi-Fi to download them.
2. McAfee Internet Security
McAfee Internet Security keeps your computer safe from viruses and other threats
from the internet.
3. My ø
My ø spots and fixes problems on your computer, and can be a useful way of
contacting ø Technical Support. It also checks for any new software or messages
from ø.
4. Open Office
Your word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software.
5. ø Mobile Broadband
ø Mobile Broadband lets you use the internet almost anywhere by using the ø
network. You’ll see this network as ‘O2-UK’ on Connection Manager.
6. Username
Your own personal profile for using Windows.
7. Wi-Fi/wireless
Wi-Fi or wireless lets you connect to the internet without having to plug anything in.
You can get help over the phone or online.
Go to Then go to ‘Mobile Broadband and
O2 Laptop Help’.
By phone
If you’ve got a netbook question, call 0844 809 0202.
Business customer? If you’ve got an IT helpdesk, call them first. If not, call
0800 9777 337.
More help
If you’ve got any questions about your bill, or about setting up ø services,
our contact details are on your bill.
Telefónica O2 UK Limited, 264 Bath Road, Slough, Berks, SL1 4DX.
Registered in England No.1743099. Registered office as above.
© Telefónica O2 UK Limited 2010. Correct at time of going to press 02CN1134N ICE (04/10).
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