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Thank you for purchasing our product. In order to start using the software program enclosed, you are required
to accept the terms and conditions of the agreement as provided below.
Software License Agreement
This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and Victor Company of Japan,
Limited (JVC). By opening the sealed software packages and/or by using the Program, you are agreeing to be
bound by the terms of this Agreement. Should you not agree to the terms hereof, return the unopened
software packets and the accompanying items to the place where you obtained them.
This License Agreement (Agreement) permits you to use the software program (Program) enclosed in this
package and/or the accompanying written material (e. g. printed manuals). Although you are also granted
license to load the Program into temporary memory (i. e. RAM) or install the Program once into permanent
memory (e. g. hard disk, CD-R, or other storage device) of one (1) computer system, you are strictly
prohibited to install the Program on a network server for the sole purpose of internal distribution.
Notwithstanding the provision of Article 1 hereof, any copyright in the Program is owned exclusively by
JVC and is protected by the Japanese copyright law, copyright laws of other countries, as applicable, and
relevant provisions under international treaties including the Berne Convention for the Protection of
Literary and Artistic Works, as amended, and the Universal Copyright Convention, as amended. Therefore,
you must treat the Program like any other copyrighted material except that you may either (a) make one (1)
copy of the Program solely for your personal backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the Program to a
single hard disk, provided that you keep the original solely for your personal backup or archival purposes.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, revise or modify the Program, except to the extent
that such restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. JVC and its distributors and dealers shall not
be liable for any claims or defects etc. arising out of or in connection with such prohibited activities as
indicated in this Agreement.
You may not rent, lease or transfer the Program to any third party nor let such a party use the Program.
— 1 —
A camcorder can be connected to a PC that satisfies the following requirements.
: Windows® 98 (pre-installed),
Windows® 98 Second Edition (98SE) (pre-installed),
Windows® Millennium Edition (Me) (pre-installed),
or Windows® 2000 Professional (pre-installed)
: Intel MMX® Pentium®, at least 200 MHz
: At least 64 MB recommended
Free hard disk space
: At least 10 MB for installation, at least 500 MB recommended
: 1 free serial transmission port, compatible with 9600 bps or higher transmission
rate, connectable to RS-232C with 9 pin serial connector
(Recommended compatible with UART 16550A)
: Must be capable of displaying 800 x 600 dots with 16-bit color
An optional 9 pin serial conversion adapter is required for computers using a serial communication port
other than a standard 9 pin.
: iMac, iBook, Power MacintoshG3, Power MacG4, Power BookG3 or G4
equipped with a USB connector
: Mac OS 8.6 to 9.1 (exclude Mac OS X)
: At least 64 MB recommended
Free hard disk space
: At least 2 MB for installation, at least 40 MB recommended
: QuickTime 4 or later
● The system requirements information above is not a guarantee that the provided software will work on all
personal computers meeting those requirements.
● Microsoft® and Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
● Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
● Keyspan is a trademark of InnoSys Inc.
● Other product and company names included in this instruction manual are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.
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Use of this software is authorized according to the terms of the software license.
When contacting the nearest JVC office or agency in your country about this software (refer to the JVC
following and have the appropriate information ready.
Product Name
Error Message
□ Desktop
□ Laptop
Available Hard Disk Space
Please note that it may take some time to respond to your questions, depending on their subject matter.
JVC cannot answer questions regarding basic operation of your PC, or questions regarding specifications or
performance of the OS, other applications or drivers.
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Digital Photo Navigator FACILITY (Windows®)
Create a virtual album
If you have a lot of image files with similar names, it can be hard to remember which file contains which
You can use this software to display these images on your PC just as if you had pasted them in a photo album.
Because you can scan through these images just as if you were flipping through a photo album, you can
quickly find a specific image that you want to send through e-mail, for example.
Can I distribute copies of albums?
You can save albums in web page format. When the album is saved in this format, anyone with a browser can
view the album on any type of PC. Because the album is already in web page format, you can also exhibit
your photos on the Internet.
Under copyright law, it is illegal to distribute copyrighted images without the permission of the copyright
holder. Make sure that you have permission to distribute such images before actually doing so.
Send your favorite images by e-mail
Everyone has video cassettes containing videos and snapshots that they never get to show to anyone.
No matter how wonderful, the only people that got to see them were families and guests, because there was
no convenient way to show them except in your own home on the TV. Friends and relatives who live far away
had no way of viewing them. And you don’t want to give those video cassettes away because they hold
treasured memories.
Now you can solve all of these problems with a PC. By using a PC connection cable to connect a camcorder
to a PC, you can capture image from the camcorder to the PC. You can then send the files to anyone as an e-
mail attachment.
Capture still images
Video images from a camcorder can be captured as still images.
You can capture still images from a recorded tape.
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Connect the PC connection cable to use Digital Photo Navigator.
For Windows®
To COM port (RS-232C)
PC connection cable
1 To assure safety, make sure all units are turned off before making any connections.
2 Use a PC connection cable to connect the camcorder to the PC.
● We recommend that you use the AC Adapter.
When disconnecting the PC connection cable, be sure to turn off the camcorder and the PC.
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Follow the procedure described below to install the software.
Quit any other software you are using. (Check that there are no other application icons on the task bar.)
1 Load the provided CD-ROM in the PC.
After a moment, the [Setup] screen appears.
● If the [Setup] screen does not appear, double-click [My Computer] and then double-click the CD-ROM
From the [Setup] screen, you can install the following softwares.
Digital Photo Navigator 1.0
This application is used to capture still images and convert them into a variety of formats.
NewSoft Presto! Mr. Photo 3/ImageFolio
This application is used to store and catalogue images or create electronic album. You can also process
captured images in detail on PC.
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 5.0
This application is used to read PDF files.
2 Click [Install] on the right side of the desired software.
(The following is the example of Digital Photo Navigator.)
[License Agreement] screen appears.
Click [Yes].
Then, [Choose Destination Location] screen appears.
Click [Next].
— 7 —
Next, [Select Program Folder] screen appears.
Click [Next].
[Setup Status] screen appears. Wait for a moment until the installation is finished.
When the installation is finished, [Digital Photo Navigator Setup] screen appears and asks you if you want
to create the icon on the desktop.
If you need it, click [Yes]. If not, click [No].
3 When the message asking whether it is OK to restart the PC appears, click [Yes].
The PC restarts, and after a moment the [Setup] screen from step 1 appears.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to install all of the desired software.
● The Digital Photo Navigator instruction manual is also included on the CD-ROM in PDF format. Double-
click the [JVC] folder and then double-click the [Docs] folder. Open the “Start.pdf” file and click the
button of the desired language. Note that Adobe® Acrobat® Reader must be installed to read PDF files.
● If you install the Korean version of NewSoft Presto! Series, Acrobat® Reader for Korean is necessary to
read the PDF files. Install Acrobat® Reader for Korean included in the [Reader K] folder inside the
[NewSoft] folder of the provided CD-ROM.
● If you install the simplified Chinese version of NewSoft Presto! Series, Acrobat® Reader for simplified
Chinese is necessary to read the PDF files. Install Acrobat® Reader for simplified Chinese included in the
[Reader CS] folder inside the [NewSoft] folder of the provided CD-ROM.
● If you perform installation of a software that is already installed, uninstallation will start. In this case,
perform the installation again after uninstallation is finished.
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Digital Photo Navigator FACILITY (Macintosh)
Video images from a camcorder can be captured as still images.
Connect the PC connection cable with the optional USB PDA ADAPTER to use Digital Photo Navigator.
USB PDA ADAPTER USA-19 (by KEYSPAN) is necessary to connect a camcorder to the Macintosh.
To COM port
For Macintosh
To USB port
PC connection cable
(Commercially available)
1 To assure safety, make sure all units are turned off before making any connections.
2 Use the PC connection cable and the USB PDA ADAPTER to connect the camcorder to the PC.
● We recommend that you use the AC Adapter.
3 Install the USB PDA ADAPTER driver.
● For details, refer to the instructions of USB PDA ADAPTER.
When disconnecting the PC connection cable, be sure to turn off the camcorder and the PC.
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Follow the procedure described below to install the software.
Quit any other software you are using.
1 Load the provided CD-ROM into the PC. Double click the CD-
ROM icon.
● The provided CD-ROM includes 3 folders.
[JVC]: Includes the Digital Photo Navigator folder.
[NewSoft]: Includes the Installer for Presto! Series.
[Reader]: Includes the Installer for Acrobat® Reader.
2 Drag the desired software folder from the CD-ROM to the hard
● Do not drag the folder to the System folder.
● Install the driver for USB PDA ADAPTER USA-19 before you start up Digital Photo Navigator. For details,
refer to the instruction manual of USB PDA ADAPTER.
● The Digital Photo Navigator instruction manual is also included on the CD-ROM in PDF format. Double-
click the [JVC] folder and then double-click the [Docs] folder. Open the “Start.pdf” file and click the
button of the desired language. Note that Adobe® Acrobat® Reader must be installed to read PDF files.
● If you install the Korean version of NewSoft Presto! Series, Acrobat® Reader for Korean is necessary to
read the PDF files. Install Acrobat® Reader for Korean included in the [Reader K] folder inside the
[NewSoft] folder of the provided CD-ROM.
● If you install the simplified Chinese version of NewSoft Presto! Series, Acrobat® Reader for simplified
Chinese is necessary to read the PDF files. Install Acrobat® Reader for simplified Chinese included in the
[Reader CS] folder inside the [NewSoft] folder of the provided CD-ROM.
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Mr. Photo Gold
For Windows:
Presto! Mr. Photo 3
Presto! ImageFolio
For Macintosh:
Presto! Mr. Photo
Presto! PhotoAlbum
Copyright and Trademarks
©1998-2001, NewSoft Technology Corp. All Rights Reserved.
No portion of this document may be copied or reproduced in any manner without prior written permission
from NewSoft Technology Corp. (NewSoft).
NewSoft has no warranties to this documentation and disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose. All the information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
All sample images and electronic files included in the documentation and distribution materials are
copyrighted by their respective photographers and not allowed to be copied or reproduced in any manner.
All other product names and any registered and unregistered trademarks mentioned in this manual are used
for identification purposes only and remain the exclusive property of their respective owners.
— 11 —
NewSoft America, Inc.
4113 Clipper Court, Fremont, CA 94538, U.S.A
Tel: 1-510-445-8616
Fax: 1-510-445-8601
E-mail of sale issue: sales@newsoftinc.com
NewSoft Technology Corp.
3F NO. 19-3, Sanchong RD., Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-26551201
Fax: 886-2-26551100
E-mail of sale issue: sales@newsoft.com.tw
E-mail of tech support issue: support@newsoft.com.tw
NewSoft Japan Corp.
6-21-3 Shinbashi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
Tel: 81-3-5472-7008
Fax: 81-3-5472-7009
E-mail of sale issue: support@newsoft.co.jp
E-mail of tech support issue: support@newsoft.co.jp
The Software Centre
East Way, Lee Mill Industrial Estate, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 9PE,
Tel: (44)01752-201148
Fax: (44)01752-894833
MitCom Neue Medien GmbH
Anglerstrasse 6
D-80339 Muenchen
Tel: +49 - (0)89 - 500 332 0
Fax: +49 - (0)89 - 500 332 22
E-mail: support@mitcom.de
12 rue des bles
93217 Saint Denis La Plaine cedex
Tel: + 33 (0)1 49 46 23 40
Fax: + 33 (0)1 49 46 23 49
For any information: newsoft@graphics-france.com
For Mr. Photo: mphoto@graphics-france.com
For VideoWorks: vworks@graphics-france.com
Other countries
NewSoft German Representative Office
E-mail: sales-eu@newsoft.eu.com
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Presto! Mr. Photo 3 for Windows
Mr. Photo 3 is a complete package for managing, editing, and sharing your valuable photos and videos. Easily
get and arrange photos or videos from digital cameras, scanners, or camcorders. Quickly view thumbnails of,
get information about, and search for your photos and videos. With its image processing and printing
functions, Mr. Photo 3 lets you share and enjoy easy access to your favorite photos and home movies.
System Requirements
● Personal computer with 200MHz Pentium processor or higher.
● Microsoft Windows 95/98/98 SE/2000/Me.
For camcorder or other video device users: Microsoft Windows 98/98 SE/2000/Me.
● 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended).
● 180 MB free hard disk space for installation.
● A CD-ROM drive.
● Internet Connection: Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.
● (Optional) A Mass Storage-compliant or TWAIN-compliant digital camera or scanner.
● (Optional) A color inkjet printer.
● (Optional) A PC Camera (USB capture device).
● (Optional) Video capture board for capture.
● (Optional) IEEE 1394 card for use with a DV camcorder.
● (Recommended) Display card: SVGA 800X600 True-color.
Because of some system limitations, several Presto! Mr. Photo 3 video functions may not work on Windows
95. We also recommend using IE 5.0 or above.
Presto! ImageFolio for Windows
ImageFolio is a complete multimedia image-processing program with a sophisticated set of editing tools. It
enables you to process photographs, graphics, and drawings captured from scanners, VCRs, a laser discs,
digital cameras, video capture boxes, etc. Whether you choose to create new images or enhance old ones
with ImageFolio’s powerful tools, your imagination is your only limit!!
System Requirements
The following hardware devices and software are required to run the software:
● Personal computer with 200 MHz Pentium processor or higher.
● One CD-ROM drive.
● One hard disk drive with at least 60 MB space available.
● At least 32 MB of RAM (preferably 64 MB).
● Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/Me.
To make full, efficient use of the program, the following additional elements are highly recommended:
● A scanner or digital camera that supports TWAIN or Mass Storage.
● A color printer supported by Microsoft Windows.
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Presto! Mr. Photo for Macintosh
Mr. Photo is a complete package for managing, editing, and sharing your valuable photos and videos. Easily
get and arrange photos or videos from digital cameras or camcorders. Quickly view thumbnails of, get
information about, and search for your photos and videos. With its image processing and printing functions,
Mr. Photo lets you share and enjoy easy access to your favorite photos and home movies.
System Requirements
For Mac OS 8.x or 9.x:
● A Power Macintosh computer.
● At least 32 MB of RAM (preferably 64 MB).
● Minimum 50 MB free hard disk space after installation.
● At least 36 MB virtual memory.
● CD-ROM drive.
● 800×600 display mode or above.
Recommended Equipment
● A Mass Storage-compliant digital camera or DV camcorder.
● A microphone, soundcard, and speaker.
● A color printer.
Presto! PhotoAlbum for Macintosh
Presto! PhotoAlbum helps you create electronic photo albums to keep your memories alive forever. Just drag
photos, frames, clip art, textures, and special effects to add to your album. Personalize them with voice-overs
and sound effects. Produce slide shows to post to the Internet or send completed albums by e-mail.
System Requirements
● A Power Macintosh computer.
● At least 32 MB of RAM (preferably 64 MB).
● A hard disk drive with at least 127 MB space available to hold and run the program effectively. (67 MB
for the software, and a minimum of 60 MB to be used as virtual memory for efficient use of the
● System 8.x or 9.x.
● A CD-ROM drive.
Recommended Equipment
● A sound card and a microphone.
● A color printer.
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Installing Mr. Photo Gold
For Windows:
Follow the steps below to install Mr. Photo 3 and ImageFolio.
1 Insert the program CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2 Press the Start button and choose Run.
3 Type [drive]:\NewSoft\setup.exe and click OK. The installation program will automatically detect the
language being used in the version of Windows you are running.
4 Follow the instructions on your screen as they appear.
When you install the program, you can choose to install Adobe Acrobat Reader if you don’t have it installed.
With Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can view PDF electric manuals.
For Macintosh:
To install Mr. Photo and PhotoAlbum:
1 Insert the program CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2 Open the CD. Double-click on the Mr. Photo Installer or PhotoAlbum Installer icon to start the setup
3 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
When you install the program, you can choose to install Adobe Acrobat Reader if you don’t have it installed.
With Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can view PDF electric manuals.
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