Lower power amplifiers will clip earlier than their more powerful cousins,
and cause loudspeaker failure when overdriven, due to the harmonics
generated by a clipped signal, thus overheating voice coils.
Installation Manual
Amplifiers should be mounted with the fins running horizontally for best
convection cooling, to minimize overheating. Purchase the best quality
RCA cables you can afford, for reliability and less engine noise
interference in the audio system.
By purchasing an amplifier from MB Quart, you have decided on a product
of the highest technical quality. MB Quart wishes you great enjoyment with
your amplifier. Should you have any questions about this system or other
MB Quart products, please email us at
It is highly recommended that the amplifier be mounted to a board of MDF
or other solid structure using the 4 mounting screws provided. Avoid
mounting the amplifier to metal as this can introduce noise and other
unwanted issues. When mounting the amplifier, ensure that it is mounted
HORIZONTALLY, as shown in the diagram above, for optimal heat
dissipation. Mounting amplifiers to speaker enclosures is not
recommended as this can cause damage to the amplifier components.
When choosing a location for mounting the amplifier, ensure that you
check for clearance from wires, gas tank, electrical devices and brake
lines etc.
System Design
The success of any car stereo system relies on several factors, such as
the system design, execution of the installation, and system setup. Please
remember that any system is only as good as its weakest link.
Please remember that higher power systems are not necessarily useful
purely for high sound pressure levels, but also to establish a headroom
capability, to reproduce musical peaks cleanly without distortion.
General Instructions
Run the wiring so that RCA cables are at least 18“ away from power and speaker cables. Keep RCA cables away from electrical devices in the vehicle
that can cause electrical noise, such as electric fuel pumps, emission control modules and other on-board electronic modules.
Power and ground connections:(See table below)
Use a sufficient gauge power cable and ground cable using the chart below as reference to what size wire you require. Reference series amplifiers
require at least 4 gauge power wire. In a multi amplifier system, add the total value of the manufacture recommended fusing to get your total system
amperage. Some applications may require multiple runs of power wire to meet the system requirements. In multi amplifier systems it is advisable to
mount a large enough fuse right at the battery, and run one or multiple +12 volt power cables to a fused distribution block near the amplifiers. It is then
a simple matter to connect the +12 volt terminal of each amplifier to the distribution block. During this process, please ensure that the main power fuse
is removed to avoid shorting the electrical system. The main fuse must be within 12” of the vehicles battery.
Ground each amplifier with as short a ground lead as possible directly to the vehicle chassis using at least 4 gauge wire or equivalent to the size of the
amplifiers’ power wire. Use a ground distribution block, if you wish, but it is extremely important to keep the main ground lead from this distribution
block to the chassis as short as possible , not more than 12“. The ground connection integrity to the chassis is very important, and the best way to
achieve a good, solid electrical and mechanical contact is to use a large round crimp lug, crimped and soldered to the ground cable. The next step is to
scrape the paint off the vehicle chassis , slightly larger than the ground lug, at the connection point. Drill a clearance hole in the chassis, the same size
as the lug hole, and use a bolt, spring washer and nut to securely fasten the ground lug. Use petroleum jelly to coat the bolt/lug connection, to prevent
oxidization with time.
TIP: Use the same approach when installing head units, equalizers or any audio equipment for that matter - run short individual grounds from each
piece directly to the vehicle chassis, to minimize ground loops and system noise. All power, ground and speaker connections should be crimped and
soldered for reliability. Make sure that none of the cable insulation can chafe against exposed metal in the vehicle, causing short circuits to the
Safe connection sequence:
After all cables are run, connect speaker wires to the speakers and amplifiers, then run and plug in RCA cables. Next, connect all power, ground, and
remote turn on leads. Now connect all +12 volt cables to the amplifier/s and distribution blocks and fuse holders. Finally, connect the main +12 volt
cable to the battery, with the main fuse removed, and we are almost ready to power up the system.
Power up the system:
The following procedure may seem like overkill, but there is nothing more frustrating when turning on a system for the first time, and it does not work
properly immediately.
First, make sure the head unit is off, and turn all level controls to minimum (counterclockwise), including the head unit volume control. Set all equalizers
to 0 dB (no boost), and all crossover frequency controls at approximate frequencies, as recommended by the loudspeaker manufacturer. Set all input
selector and crossover switches as required for the application. Remove all amplifier fuses, and insert the main fuse at the battery. If the fuse does not
blow, you can insert the fuse in one of the amplifiers, and we are ready to turn on the system. Turn the head unit on, insert a CD, or select a radio
station, and increase the head unit volume control. If the system sounds fine, turn off the head unit, and install fuses in the remaining amplifiers, one by
one, till the complete system is powered up and functioning properly.
7-10 ft.
10-13 ft.
13-16 ft.
16-19 ft.
19-22 ft.
22-28 ft.
Settings for Best Performance
REF4.50 / REF4.80
At this point you are ready to get more specific on the settings for your amplifier.
High Pass:
-When in Hi Pass operation, this setting acts as a low frequency cut off for your system reproduction. The point that you set it at cuts off any frequencies from reproduction beyond this
point. The 12 o’clock position is a great starting point. EXAMPLE: If you adjust the High Pass to 100Hz, the amplifier will not play frequencies below 100Hz but will play frequencies from
100Hz to the highest frequency the amplifier is capable of reproducing.
-When in Low Pass/Bandpass operation, this setting acts as a low frequency cut off for your system reproduction aka Subsonic Filter. The point that you set it at cuts off any frequencies
from reproduction beyond this point. The 12 o’clock position is a great starting point. EXAMPLE: If you adjust the High Pass to 60Hz, the amplifier will not play frequencies below 60Hz
but will play frequencies from 60Hz to the chosen Low Pass frequency.
-When in Flat/Full operation, the Low Pass crossover is bypassed.
Bass Boost:
This setting is a fixed bass boost at 45Hz that is variable from 0-9dB. This feature provides impact to your bass, but if not adjusted correctly, it can be over used and cause damage to
your speakers and amplifiers. It is best to slowly turn this setting clockwise until the desired punch is felt. It is not recommended to exceed the 12 o’clock position unless listening at a low
volume or a low recording quality as this can result in high distortion and possibly clipping.
Low Pass:
The Low Pass control acts as a ceiling and doesn’t allow frequencies to the right of the desired setting to be reproduced. Turning the potentiometer all the way to the right is a great
starting point. EXAMPLE: If you adjust the Low Pass to 120Hz, the amplifier will not play frequencies above 120Hz but will play frequencies from 120Hz to the chosen Hi Pass or
Subsonic frequency.
-When in Hi Pass operation, this setting is bypassed.
Level Control Setup:
Ensure that the Level is turned completely to the left prior to turning the system on. Next you should insert a CD or cassette that you are familiar with to use as a reference, and turn the
head unit volume control to about 80% of its full setting. The system sound level will of course be very low, and the following procedures will help you to match the amplifier input
sensitivities properly to the head unit output signal level.
It is important to match the amplifier LEVEL input sensitivity to the Radio/CD output sensitivity. This can be located in the Radio/CD manual.
If the Radio/CD output sensitivity is 2 volts, then adjust the amplifier LEVEL input to 2 volts.
If you are not sure what the Radio output sensitivity is, follow these general guide lines:
Turn the level control up slowly, till you hear distortion, then back off a few degrees on the control. If at any point your amplifier goes into protection, you will need to turn the Level to the
left a bit and then try again. If you reach a point where the output does not increase, stop turning the Level control to the right as the amplifier/speaker combo has reached its maxx
output in this application.
At this point you are ready to get more specific on the settings for your amplifier.
This setting acts as a low frequency cut off for your system bass reproduction. The point that you set it at cuts off any frequencies from reproduction beyond this point. The 12 o’clock
position is a great starting point. EXAMPLE: If you adjust the Subsonic to 25Hz, the amplifier will not play frequencies below 25Hz but will play frequencies from 25Hz to the chosen Low
Pass frequency.
Bass Boost:
This setting is a fixed bass boost at 45Hz that is variable from 0-10dB. This feature provides impact to your bass, but if not adjusted correctly, it can be over used and cause damage to
your subwoofers and amplifiers. It is best to slowly turn this setting clockwise until the desired punch is felt. It is not recommended to exceed the 12 o’clock position unless listening at a
low volume or a low recording quality as this can result in high distortion and possibly clipping.
Low Pass:
The Low Pass control acts as a ceiling and doesn’t allow frequencies to the right of the desired setting to be reproduced. The 12 o’clock position is a great starting point. EXAMPLE: If you
adjust the Low Pass to 80Hz, the amplifier will not play frequencies above 80Hz but will play frequencies from 80Hz to the chosen Subsonic frequency.
Level Control Setup:
Ensure that the Level is turned completely to the left prior to turning the system on. Next you should insert a CD or cassette that you are familiar with to use as a reference, and turn the
head unit volume control to about 80% of its full setting. The system sound level will of course be very low, and the following procedures will help you to match the amplifier input
sensitivities properly to the head unit output signal level.
It is important to match the amplifier LEVEL input sensitivity to the Radio/CD output sensitivity. This can be located in the Radio/CD manual.
If the Radio/CD output sensitivity is 2 volts, then adjust the amplifier LEVEL input to 2 volts.
If you are not sure what the Radio output sensitivity is, follow these general guide lines:
Turn the level control up slowly, till you hear distortion, then back off a few degrees on the control. If at any point your amplifier goes into protection, you will need to turn the Level to the
left a bit and then try again. If you reach a point where the output does not increase, stop turning the Level control to the right as the amplifier/subwoofer combo has reached its maxx
output in this application.
Thekey to findingthe probleminamisbehavingsoundsystem istoisolatepartsofthatsystem ina logicalfashiontotrackdown thefault.
Descriptionofthe Diagnosticsystem builtintoallMBQuart amplifiers
The diagnostic system will shut down the amplifier, until reset by turning the head unit off, and back on. This state of affairs will be indicated by the front panel
PROTECTLEDlighting upunder thefollowing conditions:
1-Ashort circuit on theloudspeaker leads.
2-Aninternal amplifier fault thatcauses aDCoffset ontheloudspeaker output.
Shouldtheamplifier go into diagnostic mode, simply disconnect all RCAandspeaker leads, while keeping +12volt, powerground and remote leads connected.
1. Nowturntheamplifier back on, andif thediagnostic LEDlights, theamplifier has aninternal fault.
2. Ifnot, plug theRCAcables back, and reset theamplifier. Ifit goes into diagnostic now, thefault lies in theinput, either withbad cables or source unit.
3. If the amplifier seems fine with RCAcables plugged in, connect the speakers, one at a time, and if one of the speakers or its wiring is faulty, it will activate the
diagnostic system.
Amplifierheatsink overheating
Theamplifiers will shut downwhentheheatsink temperature reaches 80degrees centigrade, and turnback on once theunit has cooled downbelow thatpoint.
Causes ofoverheating:
1- Inadequate cooling - relocate or remount toprovide better natural airflow over thefins.
2 - Driving high power levels into low impedances - back off on the volume control, and/or make sure you are not loading the amplifier with less than the
recommended loudspeaker impedance.
Low outputpower
1- Check thatlevel controls have beenset upproperly.
2- Make sure thatthebattery voltage, as measured attheamplifier’s +12 volt andground terminals, is 11volts or more.
3- Check all +12volt and ground connections.
1-Theuse ofloudspeaker impedances below therecommended minimums will draw more current - check.
2-Ashort on themain +12volt cable from thebattery tothevehicle chassis will cause themain fuse toblow.
Systemdoes not turnon
1- Check all fuses.
2- Check all connections.
3 - Measure the +12 volt and remote turn on voltages at the amplifier terminals. If these are non existent or low, take voltage measurements at fuse holders,
distribution blocks, theheadunit’s +12volt and remote leads tolocalize theproblem.
System noise can bedivided into twocategories, hiss, and electrical interference.
Hiss, orwhite noise
1 - High levels of white noise usually occurs when amplifier level controls are turned up too high - readjust according to the procedures in section ”Setting up
systems afterinstallation forbest performance”
2 -Another major problem that can cause excessive hiss, is a noisy head unit - unplug the amplifier input RCAcables, and if the hiss level reduces, the source unit
is atfault.
The inside of an automobile is a very hostile electrical environment. The multitude of electrical systems, such as the ignition system, alternator, fuel pumps, air
conditioners, to mention just a few, create radiated electrical fields, as well as noise on the +12 volt supply and ground. Remember to isolate the problem - first
unplug amplifier input RCA cables, if the noise is still present, check the speaker leads, if not, plug the RCA’s back, and investigate the source driving the
amplifier, onecomponent atatime.
Atickingorwhine that changes with engineRPM:
1-This problem could becaused by radiation pickup ofRCAcables toonear toafuel pump or adistributor, for instance, - relocate cables.
2- Check thatthehead unit ground is connected straight tothevehicle chassis, anddoes notuse factory wiring for ground.
3-Try tosupply theheadunit withaclean +12 volt supply directly from thebattery +, instead ofusing asupply from thein dash wiring/fusebox.
Aconstant whine:
This type ofnoise can bemore difficult topinpoint, butis usually caused by some kind ofinstability, causing oscillations in thesystem.
1- Check all connections, especially for goodgrounds.
2- Make sure thatnospeaker leads are shorting toexposed metal onthevehicle chassis.
3-RCAcables arenotorious for their problematic nature, so check thatthese are good, in particular theshield connections.
REF4.50 / REF4.80
4-Channel Amplifiers
0.2V 15Hz
250Hz 0dB
- 2 Sets of RCA inputs
- POWER LED: Indicates the powered up and turned on condition
- LEVEL: Variable sensitivity from 0.2V to 6V
- BASS BOOST: Adjustable 45Hz bass boost from 0dB to 9dB
- Crossover functions
- FULL: Bypasses all crossovers for full frequency operation
- HIGH: Selects the built in HIGHPASS filter, variable from 15Hz to 250Hz
- CLONE (Ch3/4): Will automatically duplicate the settings on Ch3/4 for Ch1/2
- PROTECTION LED: Indicates a high voltage, low voltage, short circuit,
hard clip, over heating or DC fault condition.
- MODE: “2” indicates one set of RCA’s are being used. This will also pass signal to channels 3/4 through 1/2 inputs.
“3” indicates bridging channels 3/4 while running 1/2 in stereo. “4” indicates connecting 2 sets of RCA’s to 1/2 and
3/4 inputs.
- LINE OUTPUT: Full range RCA pass through.
4 Channel Full Range Stereo:
Control checklist:
Interconnect cable checklist:
- Refer to the section “Settings for Best Performance”
- Connect the four inputs of the amplifier to a Radio/CD with quality RCA cables.
Switch setting checklist:
Minimum final loudspeaker impedances:
- 2 ohm per channel.
MODE: “4” since 2 sets of RCA’s are connected.
2 or 3 Channel System:
- It is necessary to feed the SAME signal to both left and right inputs via a Y-adapter RCA cable.
- Connect the mono speaker positive terminal to the Ch3 +, and its negative terminal to Ch4 - as
Here we show how to use the 4 channel amplifiers as a 3 channel unit by taking
advantage of the mono bridging capability of all MB Quart amplifiers. In order to create
a 2 channel system, simply follow the example to also mono bridge channel pair 1/2.
Interconnect cable checklist:
Switch setting checklist:
- Connect the inputs of channel pair 1/2 to a suitable stereo source, e.g. a head unit
with good quality RCA cables.
Control checklist:
- Refer to the section “Settings for Best Performance”
Minimum final loudspeaker impedances:
- 2 ohm per channel in stereo mode.
- 4 ohm mono bridged.
- A MONO signal source is required to bridge channel pair 3/4, such as would be
available from the mono sub bass output of an active crossover, whether standalone, or
built into a head unit or equalizer.
Important: Do not be tempted to connect the hot, or positive outputs, from any source
together to obtain a mono signal, as this could very well damage the output stage of
that source.
Mono Amplifiers
Slave Master
0dB 12dB 15Hz 55Hz 40Hz 150Hz 5V 0.2V
- 1 Set of RCA inputs
- LEVEL: Variable sensitivity from 0.2V to 5V
- BASS EQ: Adjustable 45Hz bass boost from 0dB to 12dB
- SUBSONIC: Variable from 15Hz to 55Hz
- LOW PASS: Variable from 40Hz to 150Hz
- MASTER OUT: Mono RCA signal to Slave amplifier when linking.
- SLAVE IN: Mono RCA signal in from Master amplifier when linking.
- MODE: Selectable Slave In and Master Out selection when linking amplifiers.
- REMOTE: Connection for dash mount level control.
Connecttheinputs toasuitable source, e.g. aheadunit withgoodquality RCAcables.
Refertothesection “Settings for BestPerformance”
Use at least #12 gauge speaker wiring. The amps have dual speaker terminals,
simplifying thehookup ofmultiple speakers.These amps aremono, 1channel, amplifiers
which have multiple positive and negative connections for ease of wiring. The 2 positives
arethesame internally andthe2negatives arethesame internally.
Minimum final loudspeakerimpedance:1-Ohm.
TO BATTERY + 12 Volts
Linking Mono Amplifiers
1. Connect the amp LINE INPUTS to the Radio/CD player full range or mono line out
puts with good quality RCA interconnect cables.
5. Route two 4 gauge power cables directly to the vehicle battery with an in-line fuse.
6. Connect two 4 gauge ground cables directly to the chassis with in 36” of the amp.
- Be sure to remove any paint or primer from the ground point.
2. Plug the MBQR-2 level remote module into the amp REMOTE INPUT jack on the
Master amp. This will allow the Master amp to control both Master and Slave amps
with just one Remote.
3. Connect an RCA jumper cable from the Master amp MASTER OUTPUT to the
Slave amp SLAVE INPUT. Note: This will “link” the amps so that the Master amp
crossover switches will control both the Master and Slave amps. The Slave amp
crossover switches will be bypassed.
- Use a nut, bolt and lock washer to secure the ground cable to the chassis ground.
7. Connect the subwoofer(s) in accordance to the diagrams below.
8. Connect a 12 gauge jumper from Master amp speaker - to Slave amp speaker - as
shown below.
IMPORTANT: Please understand that each amplifier is stable to 1 Ohm, but when
linking a pair as indicated below you can not link below 2 Ohms. You can successfully
run one DVC 4 Ohm sub, two SVC 4 Ohm subs or two DVC 2 Ohm subs to get your 2
Ohm final load.
4. Make sure that the MASTER amps’ MODE switch is in the Master Out position. Next
you need to make sure that the SLAVE amps’ MODE switch is in the Slave In position.
Slave Master
Slave Master
OEM Integration
MX-1 Premium High To Low Level Converter
MX-3 Bass Controller
* Converts High Level OEM speaker wires to Ultra Clean RCA
Low Level Outputs
* High Level Inputs: Accepts all types of High level Inputs
including floating ground and high voltages up to 30 volts.
* Audio Signal Sense / Hardwire Turn-On: Audio sense detects
music signals from the OEM wires and activates the MX-1. As
an option, the module also offers a remote turn-on wire.
* Parametric Bass EQ: Features Bass Boost, adjustable Band
Width (wide & narrow), Low Pass and Subsonic Filter.
* Clipping Indicators: Visually indicates audio signals Pre-Clip,
Soft Clip and Hard Clip
* Balanced Line Output: Ultra clean DIN variable high voltage
output for driving mono amps.
* Remote Output: Driver circuit to turn on amplifier when
module activates.
* Parametric Bass EQ: Provides a wide array of subwoofer output signal
shaping controls to enhance bass response and sound quality including
Bass Boost, adjustable Bandwidth (wide and narrow), Low Pass and
Subsonic Filter.
* Accepts a wide range of incoming music signal levels while
accommodating all types of head units and signal processors and
controlling the output level to the amp to maximize a signal strength up to
9 volts.
* Clipping Indicators: Visual clipping indicators provide indication of
damaging clipped signals to help protect the subwoofer(s) and amplifier.
Includes pre-clip, soft-clip and full-clip indications.
* Music Shaping: Shapes the music signal to achieve deep bass notes as
low as 15Hz.
* Bass Remote: Features for subwoofer Level control with built-
in clipping indicators.
* Input & Output Level Control: Allows for gain matching both
radio and amplifier audio signals.
* Bass Remote: Included bas Remote features built-in clipping indicators
allows direct bass control from in-dask or under-dash.
MX-2 Deluxe High To Low Level Converter
MX-4 Add A Sub High To Low Level Converter
* Converts High Level OEM speaker wires to Ultra Clean RCA
Low Level Outputs
* Converts High Level OEM speaker wires to Ultra Clean RCA Low Level
* High Level Inputs: Accepts all types of High level Inputs
including floating ground and high voltages up to 30 volts.
* Audio Signal Sense / Hardwire Turn-On: Audio sense detects
music signals from the OEM wires and activates the MX-2. As
an option, the module also offers a remote turn-on wire.
* High Level Inputs: Accepts all types of High level Inputs including
floating ground and high voltages up to 30 volts.
* Audio Signal Sense / Hardwire Turn-On: Audio sense detects music
signals from the OEM wires and activates the MX-4. As an option, the
module also offers a remote turn-on wire.
* Remote Output: Driver circuit to turn on amplifier when module * Remote Output: Driver circuit to turn on amplifier when module activates.
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