Solid State Rate/Gyro Compass
User’s Manual
Revision 1.8
Copyright © 2012 Maretron, LLP All Rights Reserved
Maretron, LLP
9014 N. 23rd Ave #10
Phoenix, AZ 85021-7850
Maretron Manual Part #: M000401
Revision 1.8
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Table of Contents
1.2 Firmware Revision.....................................................................................................1
1.3 Features ....................................................................................................................1
1.4 Quick Install...............................................................................................................1
2.1 Unpacking the Box ....................................................................................................2
2.2 Choosing a Mounting Location..................................................................................2
2.3 Mounting the SSC200 ...............................................................................................3
2.4 Connecting the SSC200............................................................................................5
3.1 Magnetic Deviation Calibration................................................................................10
3.2 Installation-Offset Correction...................................................................................12
4.1 Variation Input via NMEA 0183 Interface.................................................................13
4.2 Variation Input via the NMEA 2000® Interface.........................................................14
4.3 Variation Input via Manual Entry..............................................................................14
4.4 Variation Source Selection ......................................................................................15
Rate of Turn.....................................................................................................................15
5.3 Rate of Turn Zeroing ...............................................................................................16
10 Installation Template........................................................................................................20
11 Maretron (2 Year) Limited Warranty.................................................................................21
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Table of Figures
Figure 3 – NMEA 2000® / NMEA 0183 Interface Connector Locations ..................................... 6
Figure 4 – NMEA 2000®/Power Connector Face Views ............................................................ 6
Figure 5 - SSC200 with NMEA 2000® Connection Only ............................................................ 7
Figure 8 - SSC200 with NMEA 0183 Connection Only.............................................................. 9
Table of Appendices
Appendix A – NMEA 0183 Interfacing ..................................................................................... A1
Appendix B – NMEA 2000® Interfacing.................................................................................... B1
Appendix C – Connecting to a PC Via NMEA 0183.................................................................C1
Appendix D – Configuring the SSC200 to Transmit True Heading Data .................................D1
Appendix E – Configuring the SSC200 to Transmit the HDT Sentence for …and Radars ...... E1
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1 General
1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the Maretron SSC200 Solid State Rate/Gyro Compass.
Maretron has designed and built your compass to the highest standards for years of reliable,
dependable, and accurate service.
The SSC200 detects the direction of the earth’s magnetic field using solid state
magnetometers and indicates the vessel heading relative to magnetic north. In addition, the
SSC200 incorporates solid state accelerometers and a solid state angular rate sensor for
indicating the vessel’s attitude (pitch and roll) and rate of turn.
The Maretron SSC200 is designed to operate within the harsh demands of the marine
environment. However, no piece of marine electronic equipment can function properly unless
installed, calibrated, and maintained in the correct manner. Please read carefully and follow
these instructions for installation, calibration, and usage of the Maretron SSC200 in order to
ensure optimal performance.
1.2 Firmware Revision
This manual corresponds to SSC200 firmware revision 2.0.
1.3 Features
The Maretron SSC200 Solid State Compass has the following features.
• NMEA 2000® and NMEA 0183 Interfaces
• Solid State Magnetometers for Indicating the Vessel’s Heading
• Solid State Accelerometers for Indicating the Vessel’s Attitude (Pitch and Roll)
• Solid State Angular Rate Sensor for Indicating the Vessel’s Rate of Turn
• Advanced Kalman Filtering for Stable and Accurate Output During Dynamic Conditions
• Fast Response Time Stabilizes Auto-Pilot Systems
• Calibration for Compensating Magnetic Deviation Caused by Hard and Soft Iron Effects
• Installation-Offset Capability for Aligning the Compass to the Vessel
• Programmable Variation
• Waterproof Enclosure and Cable System
1.4 Quick Install
Installing the Maretron SSC200 compass involves the following six steps. Please refer to the
individual sections for additional details.
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2 Installation
2.1 Unpacking the Box
When unpacking the box containing the Maretron SSC200, you should find the following items.
• 1 - SSC200 Solid State Compass
• 2 - Mounting Brackets
• 4 - Mounting Bracket Screws
• 4 - Mounting Screws
• 1 - 10 meter NMEA 0183 Cable*
• 1 - NMEA 2000® Micro Field Attachable Connector (Female)*
• 1 - SSC200 User’s Manual
• 1 - Warranty Registration Card
* Only included in SSC200-01
If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact Maretron.
2.2 Choosing a Mounting Location
The selection of a suitable mounting location is important for the optimal performance of the
Maretron SSC200. The mounting location and orientation of the Maretron SSC200 should be:
1. Level with the Earth’s Horizontal Plane – Although the SSC200 can be calibrated in the
vessel to compensate for pitch and roll installation-offset, it is best to mount the compass as
level as possible to maximize its pitch and roll operational range.
2. Oriented with Arrow Pointing to Bow Parallel to Vessel Centerline – Although the SSC200
can be calibrated in the vessel to compensate for heading installation-offset, it is best to
mount the compass pointed towards the bow and parallel to the vessel centerline. The
SSC200 can be mounted in other orientations, although this requires additional
3. Near the Center of Gravity (CG) of the Vessel – The compass experiences the least amount
of movement when located at the CG, which allows the most accurate readings. This is
similar to a traditional card/needle compass, where the farther the compass is from the CG,
then the more the fluid sloshes around, making accurate readings more difficult.
4. Away from Structures Containing Ferrous Metals – The earth’s lines of magnetic flux tend to
become distorted in the vicinity of ferrous metals, which can potentially cause errors in the
compass’s indicated heading. The SSC200 can be calibrated to compensate for these
errors, but it is still best to minimize the errors by placing the compass as far away from
ferrous metals as is practical.
5. Away from Magnetic Field Sources – Power or ignition cables, electric motors, and other
electronic equipment can create magnetic fields. The earth’s lines of magnetic flux tend to
become distorted in the vicinity of magnetic field sources, which can potentially cause errors
in the compass’s indicated heading. The magnetic fields tend to come and go as power is
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switched on and off, which makes compensation impractical. Therefore, you should try to
mount the compass as far away as possible from these magnetic field sources (doubling the
distance between the magnetic field source and the compass will reduce the field strength
by a factor of approximately 8). Also, always observe any “compass-safe distance” markings
on other electronic equipment.
6. Minimal Vibration – Although the SSC200 is more tolerant of vibration than a fluxgate
compass, it is best to mount the compass in a location free of vibration as opposed to a
location with vibration.
2.3 Mounting the SSC200
The Maretron SSC200 compass can be mounted to a horizontal surface such as a floor or
2.3.1 Mounting the SSC200 to a Horizontal Surface
Mounting the SSC200 compass to a horizontal surface requires that the provided mounting
brackets be fastened to the bottom of the SSC200 using the provided brass flat head screws.
Once the mounting brackets are securely fastened to the bottom of the SSC200, attach the
SSC200 securely to the vessel using the included brass mounting screws or other non-ferrous
ester, such as Loctite Red (271), as they will cause stress cracking of the plastic enclosure.
The usual way of mounting the SSC200 to a horizontal surface is to mount it to the top of the
horizontal surface; however, the SSC200 may be mounted upside down to the underside of a
horizontal surface, provided that the SSC200 is programmed to recognized that it is mounted
upside down. This can be done using a Maretron display product (e.g., DSM200 - please refer
to the DSM200 user’s manual for details).
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Figure 1 – Mounting the SSC200 to a Horizontal Surface
2.3.2 Mounting the SSC200 to a Vertical Surface
Mounting the SSC200 compass to a vertical surface requires that the provided mounting
brackets be fastened to the side of the SSC200 using the provided brass flat head screws.
Once the mounting brackets are securely fastened to the side of the SSC200, attach the
SSC200 securely to the vessel using the included brass mounting screws or other non-ferrous
ester, such as Loctite Red (271), as they will cause stress cracking of the plastic enclosure.
The usual way of mounting the SSC200 to a vertical surface is attaching the SSC200 to the
forward side of a vertical surface, so that the side of the compass with the connectors is facing
the bow of the boat; however, the SSC200 may be mounted to the astern side of a vertical
surface, so that the side of the compass with the connectors is facing the stern of the boat,
provided that the SSC200 is programmed to recognized that it is mounted in this way
(“backwards”). This can be done using a Maretron display product (e.g., DSM200 - please
refer to the DSM200 user’s manual for details).
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NMEA 2000 / Power
NMEA 0183 Connector
Figure 3 – NMEA 2000® / NMEA 0183 Interface Connector Locations
2.4.1 Connecting to NMEA 2000® Interface
The Maretron SSC200 provides a connection to an NMEA 2000® interface through a five pin
Maretron NMEA 2000® cable (or compatible cable) by connecting the female end of the cable
to the SSC200 (note the key on the male connector and keyway on the female connector) as
cable connector is tightened firmly. Connect the other end of the cable (male) to the NMEA
2000® network in the same manner. The SSC200 is designed such that you can plug or unplug
it from an NMEA 2000® network while the power to the network is connected or disconnected.
Please follow recommended practices for installing NMEA 2000® network products.
Figure 4 – NMEA 2000®/Power Connector Face Views
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Figure 5 - SSC200 with NMEA 2000® Connection Only
2.4.2 Connecting to NMEA 0183 Interface
The Maretron SSC200 provides a connection to an NMEA 0183 interface through an eight pin
Maretron supplied 10 meter cable by connecting the female end of the cable to the SSC200
(note the key on the male connector and keyway on the female connector). Be sure the cable
is connected securely and that the collar on the cable connector is tightened firmly.
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Figure 6 – NMEA 0183 Connector Face Views
Connect the other end of the cable consisting of individual wires using recommended practices
for installing NMEA 0183 products. Please note that NMEA 0183 does not have a standard for
connectors and the customer/installer should contact the manufacturer of the equipment to
which the SSC200 is being connected for information on how to properly connect the device to
the SSC200. The individual wires found within the cable have the following color coding.
Wire Color
Transmit Differential Output A Signal
Transmit Differential Output B Signal
Receive Differential Input A Signal
Receive Differential Input B Signal
Figure 7 – NMEA 0183 Cable/Wire Color Coding Connections
If the NMEA 2000® interface is connected, power is supplied to the SSC200 through the NMEA
2000® network connection.
If only the NMEA 0183 interface is used, power connections must be made via the NMEA
2000®/Power connector. Using the included Micro Field Attachable Connector (Female),
connect two power wires (not included) to pins 2 and 3 of the field attachable connector (only
connector per the instructions packaged with the connector, and screw the connector snugly
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Figure 8 - SSC200 with NMEA 0183 Connection Only NMEA 0183 Baud Rates
The SSC200 compass supports NMEA0183 communication at both 4800 baud and 38400
baud. All SSC200 Compasses are shipped with a baud rate of 4800 baud. The baud rate may
be set to 38400 baud by connecting to the compass using a teminal emulator (See Appendix C
for details) and sending the following strings to the compass through the NMEA 0183
This will cause the “cmd>” command prompt to be displayed
tm setbaud 38400
At this point, you must change the baud rate of your connection to 38400 baud to continue, as
the SSC200 has now been set to the higher baud rate.
tm storebaud
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This causes the new baud rate to be stored to non-volatile memory, so the compass will retain
this baud rate when it is powered down.
2.4.3 Connecting Both NMEA 2000® and NMEA 0183 Interfaces
The SSC200 can be simultaneously connected to both an NMEA 2000® network and an NMEA
0183 network.
2.4.4 Checking Connections
Once the NMEA 2000®/Power and/or NMEA 0183 connections to the Maretron SSC200 have
been completed, check to see that heading information is being properly transmitted by
3 Calibration
In order to provide accurate heading indication, the SSC200 must be calibrated in the vessel
after installation. The two calibration procedures that must be carried out are magnetic
These procedures should be carried out after the initial compass installation and again at any
time that the magnetic environment of the vessel has changed significantly (for example, new
cables have been routed near the compass or new equipment made of ferrous metal has been
installed near the compass).
WARNING: It is imperative that calibration procedures be carried out upon installation
of the SSC200 to ensure accurate readings.
3.1 Magnetic Deviation Calibration
Magnetic and/or ferrous items near a magnetic compass such as the SSC200 can cause
errors in the compass’ heading output. These errors are referred to as magnetic deviation.
The Maretron SSC200 compass can compensate for heading errors caused by magnetic
deviation by learning about the magnetic environment in which it has been mounted. This is
done using one of four possible magnetic deviation calibration procedures.
3. Through the NMEA 0183 Interface (Appendix A)
4. Through the NMEA 2000® Interface (Appendix B)
All the procedures require that the vessel be turned in successive circles during which time the
SSC200 uses changing heading information along with readings from the angular rate sensor
to calculate hard and soft iron magnetic deviation. Upon a successful completion of deviation
calibration, the SSC200 stores the deviation values in permanent memory for subsequent
compensation. Under certain conditions (e.g., turning to fast or to slow), the SSC200 will not
successfully complete the calibration process and the SSC200 will not store the deviation
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values in its permanent memory. Therefore, it is important to verify that the deviation
calibration process completed successfully.
The preferred method for deviation calibration is to use a Maretron display (procedure 1)
because you receive direct feedback on the calibration process with a clear indication of a
successful or unsuccessful deviation calibration. Deviation calibration done automatically at
power-up (procedure 2) is less desirable than procedure 1 because it is more difficult to verify
that a successful deviation calibration completed. As an alternative to procedures 1 and 2,
users with direct access to the NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000® interfaces can perform magnetic
deviation calibration directly through the NMEA 0183 interface (see Appendix A) or the NMEA
2000® interface (see Appendix B). These direct access methods also provide an indication of a
successful deviation calibration or an indication of an unsuccessful deviation calibration and
the corresponding reason for the failure.
3.1.1 Maretron Display Initiated Deviation Calibration
Maretron display initiated deviation calibration is accomplished by turning the vessel through
successive circles while the SSC200 receives a command from a Maretron display product
(e.g., DSM200). The procedure is as follows:
2. Warm up the compass by operating it for approximately 10 minutes.
3. Turn the vessel (either direction) such that you complete a full 360° turn in 2½ minutes
or less (try not to go below 1 minute for a complete circle).
4. While continuing to turn the vessel as indicated in step 3, use the display’s menu items
to locate and send the deviation calibration command (please refer to the display
product user’s manual).
5. Continue turning the vessel through at least three complete circles until the display
indicates a successful deviation calibration.
While turning the vessel, try to maintain a circle by holding the rudder at a constant angle. In
addition, try to minimize the vessel’s pitch and roll by calibrating on calm, flat water.
After deviation calibration is complete, the results of the deviation calibration, which indicate
the quality of the compass installation environment, may be seen using a Maretron display
product (e.g., DSM200 - please refer to the DSM200 user’s manual for details). This allows
you to compare different installation points on a vessel to determine the optimum location for
the SSC200.
3.1.2 Automatic Power-Up Deviation Calibration
Automatic power-up deviation calibration is accomplished by turning the vessel through four
complete circles within 10 minutes of power-up. The procedure is as follows:
2. Warm up the compass by operating it for approximately 10 minutes.
3. Turn the vessel (either direction) such that you complete a full 360° turn in 2½ minutes
or less (try not to go below 1 minute for a complete circle).
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4. While continuing to turn the vessel as indicated in step 3, remove the power from the
compass and reapply power (this initiates deviation calibration).
5. Continue turning the vessel through four complete circles in less than 10 minutes from
the time power was applied.
6. Successful deviation is indicated when the SSC200 outputs the following sequence:
a) 0 Degrees for two seconds followed by
b) 90 degrees for two seconds followed by
c) 180 degrees for two seconds followed by
d) 270 degrees for two seconds followed by the actual heading
While turning the vessel, try to maintain a circle by holding the rudder at a constant angle. In
addition, try to minimize the vessel’s pitch and roll by calibrating on calm, flat water.
3.2 Installation-Offset Correction
After installation and successful deviation calibration, it is important to perform installation-
offset correction so that the displayed compass heading, pitch, and roll match the actual vessel
heading, pitch, and roll. Installation-offset correction is done using one of four possible
3. Through the NMEA 0183 Interface (Appendix A)
4. Through the NMEA 2000® Interface (Appendix B)
The preferred method for installation-offset is to use a Maretron display (procedure 1) which
will automatically calibrate the SSC200 without physically adjusting the compass as describe
and 2, users with direct access to the NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000® interfaces can perform
installation-offset correction through the NMEA 0183 interface (see Appendix A) or the NMEA
2000® interface (see Appendix B).
3.2.1 Maretron Display Product Offset Correction
Installation-offset correction can be performed using a Maretron display product (e.g.,
DSM200). The procedure is as follows:
1. Make sure the vessel is laying in flat water on a known heading.
2. Use the display’s menu items to locate and send the compass installation-offset
correction command (please refer to display product user’s manual).
3.2.2 Manual Installation-Offset Correction
Manual installation-offset correction is performed by physically aligning the compass with the
vessel. The procedure is as follows:
1. With the vessel laying flat in the water, adjust the roll angle of the SSC200 by adding
small washers or spacers between the mounting bracket holes and mounting surface
until the display reads zero for the roll angle (skip this step if you are not interested in
viewing the vessel’s roll angle).
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2. With the vessel laying flat in the water, adjust the pitch angle of the SSC200 by adding
small washers or spacers between the mounting bracket holes and mounting surface
until the display reads zero for the pitch angle (skip this step if you are not interested in
viewing the vessel’s pitch angle).
3. With the vessel laying flat in the water on a known heading, adjust the heading of the
SSC200 by rotating it until the display reads the known vessel heading.
4. Recheck that the roll and pitch readings are zero and that the indicated heading is
correct (repeat steps 1 through 3 as necessary).
5. Securely fasten the SSC200 by tightening the mounting screws.
4 Variation
Variation is the angular difference between the true meridian (great circle connecting the
geographic poles) and the magnetic meridian (direction of the lines of magnetic flux). Variation
has different values at different locations on the earth with most areas undergoing change to
the variation over time.
Normally, heading information is displayed as either a “true” heading (a direction relative to the
geographic poles) or it is displayed as a “magnetic” heading (a direction relative to the lines of
magnetic flux). North-seeking gyrocompasses are capable of measuring direction relative to
the geographic poles (“true”) whereas magnetic compasses measure direction relative to the
earth’s local magnetic flux (“magnetic”).
The SSC200 is a magnetic compass; therefore, it requires an external source for variation if
you want to view your heading in “true” format. The SSC200 is capable of receiving variation in
one of three ways; 1) via the NMEA 0183 interface, 2) via the NMEA 2000® interface, or 3)
through manual variation entry.
Normally, the SSC200 will automatically use variation from either the NMEA 0183 interface or
the NMEA 2000® interface, however, you can force the SSC200 to use variation from only the
NMEA 0183 interface or you can force the SSC200 to use variation from only the NMEA 2000®
interface or you can force SSC200 to only use manually entered variation.
WARNING: Multiple variation sources that are received by the SSC2000 (i.e., NMEA 0183
and NMEA 2000® interfaces) will cause confusion as to the correct source to be used for
true heading indications. If more than one variation source is available, then the SSC200
needs to be programmed to use the appropriate source for reporting subsequent true
when more than one variation source is available.
4.1 Variation Input via NMEA 0183 Interface
As shipped from the factory, the SSC200 automatically looks for variation data coming from
the NMEA 0183 interface. The SSC200 accepts variation data from the Recommended
Minimum Specific GNSS Data (RMC) sentence or the SSC200 computes variation from the
Course Over Ground and Ground Speed (VTG) sentence. If the SSC200 does indeed receive
variation information from the NMEA 0183 interface, then it will do the following:
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1. Transmit the Heading, Deviation & Variation (HDG) sentence including the variation
field as seen from the RMC or VTG sentence over the NMEA 0183 interface if HDG is
enabled (see Appendix A for enabling or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).
2. Transmit the Heading True (HDT) sentence using variation data from the RMC or VTG
sentence over the NMEA 0183 interface if HDT is enabled (see Appendix A for enabling
or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).
3. Transmit over the NMEA 2000® interface the Magnetic Variation PGN (127258) with the
Variation Source field value corresponding to the received NMEA 0183 variation data
from the RMC or VTG sentence. The PGN’s Variation Source field will be transmitted
with the lowest possible quality indicator, which is “Manual Entry”.
4.2 Variation Input via the NMEA 2000® Interface
As shipped from the factory, the SSC200 automatically looks for variation data coming from
the NMEA 2000® interface. The SSC200 accepts variation data from the Magnetic Variation
PGN (127258). If the SSC200 does indeed receive variation information from the NMEA 2000®
interface, then it will do the following:
1. Transmit the Heading, Deviation & Variation (HDG) sentence including the variation
field as seen from the Magnetic Variation PGN (127258) from the NMEA 2000 interface
if HDG is enabled (see Appendix A for enabling or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).
2. Transmit the Heading True (HDT) sentence using variation data from the Magnetic
Variation PGN (127258) from the NMEA 2000 interface if HDT is enabled (see
Appendix A for enabling or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).
4.3 Variation Input via Manual Entry
If no other source of variation is available (i.e., from either the NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000®
interface), the SSC200 can be programmed with a fixed variation value for a given location
(this value can be found on most navigational charts). If variation is manually entered into the
SSC200, then it will do the following:
1. Transmit the Heading, Deviation & Variation (HDG) sentence including the variation
field as manually entered over the NMEA 0183 interface if HDG is enabled (see
Appendix A for enabling or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).
2. Transmit the Heading True (HDT) sentence using variation data as manually entered
over the NMEA 0183 interface if HDT is enabled (see Appendix A for enabling or
disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).
3. Transmit over the NMEA 2000® interface the Magnetic Variation PGN (127258) with the
Variation Source field value corresponding to the manually entered variation. The
PGN’s Variation Source field will be transmitted with the lowest possible quality
indicator, which is “Manual Entry”.
WARNING: Magnetic variation changes as your position on the earth changes;
therefore, the variation should be adjusted with changes in position. The SSC200 will
not automatically adjust variation with changes in position; it is the responsibility of the
user to adjust variation with changes in position.
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4.4 Variation Source Selection
As shipped from the factory, the SSC200 automatically looks for variation from both the NMEA
0183 and NMEA 2000® interfaces. If there is only a single source of variation available (either
from the NMEA 0183 or the NMEA 2000® interface), then there is no need to manually select a
variation source. However, if there are multiple variation sources (i.e., variation available from
both the NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000® interfaces) or there is no source for variation (i.e.,
variation is not available from either the NMEA 0183 or the NMEA 2000® interfaces), then it is
necessary to select a particular variation source. The SSC200 can be programmed to
specifically use one of three possible variation sources:
1. Variation from Only NMEA 0183 Interface
2. Variation from Only NMEA 2000® Interface
3. Variation from Only Manual Entry
The SSC200 can be programmed to accept a specific source for the variation data using one
of two possible procedures.
4.4.1 Variation Source Selection via Maretron Display
You can program the SSC200 to use a particular variation source using a Maretron display
product (e.g., DSM200). Refer to the display product user’s manual for details on programming
the SSC200 to use a specific variation source.
4.4.2 Variation Source Selection via NMEA 0183 Interface
You can program the SSC200 to use a particular variation source through the NMEA 0183
interface. Refer to Appendix A for details on programming the SSC200 to use a specific
variation source.
5 Rate of Turn
The SSC200 is capable of measuring a vessel’s rate of turn and outputting the information
over both the NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000® interfaces. Furthermore, the SSC200 has a
programmable damping period where the filter time can be increased for very slow turning
vessels such as tugs pushing barges. Also, the SSC200 rate of turn indication may be zeroed
to correct for any temperature-induced offset.
The SSC200 can be programmed with different damping periods and have the rate of turn
indication zeroed using one of two possible procedures.
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5.1 Rate of Turn Damping Period Selection with Maretron Display
You can program the SSC200 to use a particular rate of turn damping period using a Maretron
display product (e.g., DSM200). Refer to the display product user’s manual for details on
programming the SSC200 to use a specific damping period.
5.2 Rate of Turn Damping Period Selection by NMEA 0183
You can program the SSC200 to use a particular rate of turn damping period through the
NMEA 0183 interface. Refer to Appendix A for details on programming the SSC200 to use a
specific damping period.
5.3 Rate of Turn Zeroing
The SSC200 may be used as a rate of turn indicator, which should read zero when the vessel
is not turning. It is possible that the rate of turn indication has an offset; that is, it may show a
non-zero value when the vessel is at rest. This offset changes with temperature but the
SSC200 has the ability to remember the offset at different temperatures. You teach the
SSC200 by using “Rate of Turn Zeroing”. It is possible to do “Rate of Turn Zeroing” using a
Maretron display product, such as the DSM200 (please refer to the display product user’s
manual for details).
6 Maintenance
Regular maintenance is important to ensure continued proper operation of the Maretron
SSC200. Perform the following tasks periodically:
• Clean the unit with a soft cloth. Do not use chemical cleaners as they may remove
markings or may corrode the compass enclosure or seals. Do not use any cleaners
containing acetone, as they will deteriorate the plastic enclosure.
• Ensure that the unit is mounted securely and cannot be moved relative to the mounting
surface. If the unit is loose, tighten the mounting screws and repeat the magnetic
deviation calibration and installation-offset correction.
• Check the security of the cables connected to the NMEA 2000® and/or NMEA 0183
interfaces and tighten if necessary.
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7 Troubleshooting
If you notice unexpected operation of the Maretron SSC200, follow the troubleshooting
procedures in this section to remedy simple problems.
No heading output
Troubleshooting Procedure
Check the connections to the NMEA 2000®/Power
connector and/or NMEA 0183 Connector and tighten if
Ensure that power is supplied to the connected NMEA
2000® or NMEA 0183 cable
For NMEA 0183 connections, ensure that the SSC200
is programmed to transmit the appropriate type of
sentence (HDT, HDG, or HDM) required by the
connected equipment.
If the HDT sentence is being transmitted, ensure that
the SSC200 is provided with a source of magnetic
variation information so that it can calculate true
heading from the magnetic heading.
Inaccurate heading output Ensure the SSC200 is still mounted securely
Ensure the SSC200 is still in a clean magnetic
environment and that no power or ignition cables or
magnetic or ferrous objects have been moved near the
Repeat the magnetic deviation compensation and
installation-offset correction procedures
Figure 9 – Trouble Shooting Guide
If these steps do not solve your problem, please contact Maretron Technical Support (refer to
Warning: There are no user-serviceable components inside the Maretron SSC200.
Opening the SSC200 will expose the sensitive electronic components to movement and
adverse environmental conditions that may render the compass inoperative. Please do
not open the SSC200, as this will automatically void the warranty. If service is required,
please return the unit to an authorized Maretron service location.
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8 Technical Specifications
Static Heading Accuracy
Heading Display Resolution
Settling Time
<1° rms
1 Second
±45° Pitch and Roll - 15°C to 35°C
With Maretron Display
To Static Accuracy after 35°/Second Turn
Automatic or Initiated through Interfaces
Manual or Initiated through Interfaces
Heading Deviation
Alignment Calibration
Pitch and Roll Range
Pitch and Roll Accuracy
Pitch and Roll Display Resolution
Pitch and Roll to Boat Alignment
Rate of Turn Range
±45° Pitch and Roll - 15°C to 35°C
With Maretron Display
Manual or Initiated through Interfaces
0° - 90° per Second
±1° per Second
Rate of Turn Accuracy
0° Pitch and Roll - 15°C to 35°C
NMEA 2000
Level A
Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment & Systems
FCC and CE Mark
Tested to IEC 60945
Electromagnetic Compatibility
NMEA 2000® Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs) - See Appendix B for Details
PGN Name
Default Rate
Periodic Data PGNs
127250 Vessel Heading
127257 Attitude
127251 Rate of Turn
10 Times/Second
1 Time/Second
10 Times/Second
Response to Requested PGNs
Protocol PGNs
126464 PGN List (Transmit and Receive)
126996 Product Information
126998 Configuration Information
059392 ISO Acknowledge
059904 ISO Request
060416 ISO Transport Protocol, Connection
060160 ISO Transport Protocol, Data Transfer
060928 ISO Address Claim
065240 ISO Address Command
126206 NMEA
NMEA 0183 Sentences - See Appendix A for Details
Description Acronym
Sentence Name
Heading, Deviation, and Variation
Default Rate
10 Times/Second
Transmitted HDG
Heading, Magnetic (Not normally transmitted, see Appendix A)
Heading True (Not normally transmitted, see Appendix A)
Rate of Turn
5 Times/Second
1 Time/Second
PMAROUT Maretron Proprietary Attitude (Pitch and Roll)
Text Transmission
Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data
Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
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9 to 16 Volts
Operating Voltage
Power Consumption
Load Equivalence Number (LEN)
Reverse Battery Protection
Load Dump Protection
DC Voltage
Average Current Drain
NMEA 2000® Spec. (1LEN = 50 mA)
Energy Rated per SAE J1113
4.46” x 3.23” x 2.14”
7 oz.
Including Mounting Flanges
Deck or Bulkhead
IEC 60954 Classification
Degree of Protection
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Relative Humidity
-25°C to 55°C
-40°C to 70°C
93%RH @40° per IEC60945-8.2
2-13.2Hz @ ±1mm, 13.2-100Hz @ 7m/s2 per IEC 60945-8.7
12.5mm Nozzle @ 100liters/min from 3m for 30min per IEC 60945-8.8
Ultraviolet B, A, Visible, and Infrared per IEC 60945-8.10
Rain and Spray
Solar Radiation
Corrosion (Salt Mist)
Electromagnet Emission
Electromagnetic Immunity
Safety Precautions
4 times 7days @ 40°C, 95%RH after 2 hour Salt Spray Per IEC 60945-8.12
Conducted and Radiated Emission per IEC 60945-9
Conducted, Radiated, Supply, and ESD per IEC 60945-10
Dangerous Voltage, Electromagnetic Radio Frequency per IEC 60945-12
9 Technical Support
If you require technical support for Maretron products, you can reach us in one of the following
Telephone: 1-866-550-9100
Fax: 1-602-861-1777
E-mail: support@maretron.com
Mail: Maretron, LLC
Attn: Technical Support
9034 N. 23rd Ave Suite 13
Phoenix, AZ 85021 USA
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SSC200 User’s Manual
10Installation Template
Please check the dimensions before using the following diagrams as templates for drilling the
mounting holes because the printing process may have distorted the dimensions.
3 87”
Figure 10 – Horizontal Mounting Surface Template
Figure 11 – Vertical Mounting Surface Template
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11 Maretron (2 Year) Limited Warranty
Maretron warrants the SSC200 to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for two (2) years from the
date of original purchase. If within the applicable period any such products shall be proved to Maretron’s
satisfaction to fail to meet the above limited warranty, such products shall be repaired or replaced at Maretron’s
option. Purchaser's exclusive remedy and Maretron’s sole obligation hereunder, provided product is returned
pursuant to the return requirements below, shall be limited to the repair or replacement, at Maretron’s option, of
any product not meeting the above limited warranty and which is returned to Maretron; or if Maretron is unable to
deliver a replacement that is free from defects in materials or workmanship, Purchaser’s payment for such
product will be refunded. Maretron assumes no liability whatsoever for expenses of removing any defective
product or part or for installing the repaired product or part or a replacement therefore or for any loss or damage
to equipment in connection with which Maretron’s products or parts shall be used. With respect to products not
manufactured by Maretron, Maretron’s warranty obligation shall in all respects conform to and be limited to the
warranty actually extended to Maretron by its supplier. The foregoing warranties shall not apply with respect to
products subjected to negligence, misuse, misapplication, accident, damages by circumstances beyond
Maretron’s control, to improper installation, operation, maintenance, or storage, or to other than normal use or
Statements made by any person, including representatives of Maretron, which are inconsistent or in conflict with
the terms of this Limited Warranty, shall not be binding upon Maretron unless reduced to writing and approved by
an officer of Maretron.
Maretron does not warrant that the functions contained in any software programs or products will meet
purchaser’s requirements or that the operation of the software programs or products will be uninterrupted or error
free. Purchaser assumes responsibility for the selection of the software programs or products to achieve the
intended results, and for the installation, use and results obtained from said programs or products. No
specifications, samples, descriptions, or illustrations provided Maretron to Purchaser, whether directly, in trade
literature, brochures or other documentation shall be construed as warranties of any kind, and any failure to conform
with such specifications, samples, descriptions, or illustrations shall not constitute any breach of Maretron’s limited
Warranty Return Procedure:
To apply for warranty claims, contact Maretron or one of its dealers to describe the problem and determine the
appropriate course of action. If a return is necessary, place the product in its original packaging together with
proof of purchase and send to an Authorized Maretron Service Location. You are responsible for all shipping and
insurance charges. Maretron will return the replaced or repaired product with all shipping and handling prepaid
except for requests requiring expedited shipping (i.e. overnight shipments). Failure to follow this warranty return
procedure could result in the product’s warranty becoming null and void.
Maretron reserves the right to modify or replace, at its sole discretion, without prior notification, the warranty listed
above. To obtain a copy of the then current warranty policy, please go to the following web page:
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Appendix A – NMEA 0183 Interfacing
SSC200 NMEA 0183 Transmitted Sentences
HDG – Heading, Deviation & Variation
The SSC200 indicates heading 10 times a second. The deviation field always contains zero as the
SSC200 reports it’s heading with the deviation included. The variation field will normally contain the null
character, however if the SSC200 receives either a valid RMC or VTG sentence, then the SSC200 will
fill the variation field appropriately.
Field A: Magnetic heading sensor including deviation in tenths of degrees
B: Deviation always reads 0.0 because it is included in field A
C: Although this field reads as “E”, it is meaningless as the deviation is always zero
D: Null unless receiving variation data form RMC or VTG sentence in which case variation data
E: Null unless receiving variation data from RMC or VTG sentence in which case E or W
depending on direction of variation
HDM – Heading, Magnetic
The SSC200 does not normally transmit this sentence because it is no longer recommended for new
designs by NMEA. However, this sentence can be enabled or turned on via a proprietary NMEA 0183
sentence (see $PMARSETP definition).
Field A: Magnetic heading sensor including deviation in tenths of degrees
B: This field always contains an “M” indicating magnetic heading
HDT – Heading, True
The SSC200 does not normally transmit this sentence. However, this sentence can be enabled or
turned on via a proprietary NMEA 0183 sentence (see $PMARSETP definition). The HDT sentence
works in collaboration with the reception of an RMC or VTG sentence to produce true heading.
Field A: Null unless receiving variation from RMC and VTG in which case magnetic heading including
deviation and variation in tenths of degrees
B: This field always contains a “T” indicating true magnetic heading
ROT – Rate of Turn
The SSC200 indicates the vessel’s rate of turn 5 times a second.
Field A: Rate of turn in degrees/minute where “-“ indicates the bow turning to port
B: This field indicates whether data is valid, an “A” indicates that the data is valid where a “V”
indicates invalid data
MAROUT – Maretron Proprietary Output Sentence
Since there is no standard NMEA 0183 sentence for indicating the vessel’s attitude (pitch and roll), the
SSC200 uses a proprietary sentence to indicate pitch and roll one time per second.
Field A: Always reads “ATT” to indicate following data is associated with the vessel’s attitude
B: Pitch angle in tenths of degrees, where “-“ indicates bow pitches downward
C: Roll angle in tenths of degrees, where “-“ indicates roll to the port
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Appendix A – NMEA 0183 Interfacing
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SSC200 User’s Manual
D-I: Null
TXT – Text Transmission
The SSC200 transmits various status messages using the text transmission sentence.
Field A: Always reads “01”
B: Always reads “01”
C: Message identifier (see following table)
D: Text string (see following table)
Text String
Deviation Calibration
This message is transmitted at the beginning of the magnetic deviation
calibration process.
Deviation Calibration
Completed Successfully
This message is transmitted upon successful completion of the magnetic
deviation calibration process (i.e., a new deviation table has been stored
in permanent memory).
Deviation Calibration
Failed to Complete
The SSC200 attempts to perform calibration 5 times before giving up and
issuing this sentence. Each time the SSC200 encounters an error (see
message identifiers 04, 05, and 06) it restarts the calibration process.
Upon the 5th error, the SSC200 exits the calibration routine and it must
be restarted before it will once again try to perform deviation calibration.
During calibration, the vessel must not turn to fast where the SSC200 is
unable to reliably develop deviation data. If the SSC200 senses the
vessel turning to quickly, it will issue this message and restart deviation
calibration as long as it has not failed five times.
During calibration, the vessel must not turn to slowly where the SSC200
is unable to reliably develop deviation data. If the SSC200 senses the
vessel turning to slowly, it will issue this message and restart deviation
calibration as long as it has not failed five times.
During calibration, the vessel must not jerk or reverse directions where
the SSC200 is unable to reliably develop deviation data. If the SSC200
senses an invalid movement, it will issue this message and restart
deviation calibration as long as it has not failed five times.
The SSC200 transmits this sentence once after it is powered up to
indicate its serial number.
The SSC200 transmits this sentence once after it is powered up to
indicate its baud rate.
The SSC200 transmits this sentence once after it is powered up to
indicate its software version.
The SSC200 transmits this sentence once after it is powered up to
indicate its model version.
The SSC200 transmits this sentence once after it is powered up to
indicate its model identification.
Deviation Calibration
Turning Too Fast
Deviation Calibration
Turning Too Slow
Deviation Calibration
Invalid Movement
Serial Number: xxxxxxx
Baud Rate: 4800
SW Version: 1.2
Model Version: 1.0
Model ID: SSC200
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Appendix A – NMEA 0183 Interfacing
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SSC200 NMEA 0183 Received Sentences
Note on NMEA 0183 Checksums
For ease of manual configuration of the SSC200 via the NMEA 0183 Interface, NMEA 0183 checksums
are optional. If no checksum is present in a received sentence, then the sentence is treated as if a valid
checksum were present. If a checksum is present in a received sentence, then it is used to check the
integrity of the sentence, which is accepted only if the calculated checksum agrees with the checksum
at the end of the received sentence. To ensure the best possible data integrity, Maretron recommends
using NMEA 0183 checksums whenever possible.
RMC – Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data
The SSC200 is capable of receiving the RMC sentence and extracting the magnetic variation data for
subsequent insertion into the appropriate fields for transmission of the HDG and HDT sentences. The
SSC200 uses an aging technique (referred to as “Variation Lifetime”) where variation data is output in
the HDG and HDT sentences for a period of 5 seconds after the RMC sentence is received. The
Variation Lifetime can be re-programmed to a shorter or longer period (see PMARSETP sentence).
VTG – Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
The SSC200 is capable of receiving the VTG sentence and computing the magnetic variation data for
subsequent insertion into the appropriate fields for transmission of the HDG and HDT sentences. The
variation is computed by observing the difference between the true course over ground and the
magnetic course over ground. The SSC200 uses an aging technique (referred to as “Variation
Lifetime”) where variation data is output in the HDG and HDT sentences for a period of 5 seconds after
the VTG sentence is received. The Variation Lifetime can be re-programmed to a shorter or longer time
period (see PMARSETP sentence).
PMAREXE – Maretron Proprietary Execute Sentence
The SSC200 can be commanded via this proprietary sentence to execute one of several commands.
This command causes the SSC200 to be reset and is useful for initiating deviation calibration.
This command causes the SSC200 to stop outputting normal periodic data (like heading) and is useful
for observing non-periodic sentences such as status sentences during deviation calibration.
This command causes the SSC200 to once again output periodic data. Normally, periodic data is
disabled during the calibration process such that status messages are easy to see and not lost within
normal periodic data. This sentence is used to turn the periodic data back on.
$PMAREXE,SSC200,,24,”known heading in tenths of degrees”,,,<CR><LF>
This is the command used to perform installation-offset where the compass is aligned to a known
heading and the pitch and roll are zeroed to the vesse’ls current attitude. If the current or known
heading is 177.0°, then a value of 1770 should be programmed.
This command causes the SSC200 to use a manual entry for variation (variation is programmed using
1/10 of a degree resolution – as an example use 2.3 in the “variation” field for a 2.3° variation.
This command causes the SSC200 to use variation data from the NMEA 2000® interface and ignore all
other variation sources (i.e., NMEA 0183 interface and manual entries).
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SSC200 User’s Manual
This command causes the SSC200 to use variation data from the NMEA 0183 interface and ignore all
other variation sources (i.e., NMEA 2000® interface and manual entries).
This command causes the SSC200 to be set back to the factory default where variation data is used
from either the NMEA 0183 interface or the NMEA 2000® interface.
$PMAREXE,SSC200,,5E,2,”damping period”,,<CR><LF>
This command causes the SSC200 to use a rate of turn damping rate corresponding to the value
programmed in “damping period”. The damping period is programmable from 100 to 60000, which
represents 100ms to 60 seconds.
This command causes the SSC200 to zero the rate of turn indication and record the compensation
value used, along with the current operating temperature of the compass. The boat must remain at rest
for a period of one minute after this command is issued.
This command causes the SSC200 to cancel any rate of turn zeroing operations currently in progress.
Will cause the SSC200 to retransmit the last deviation calibration status message
PMARSETPX – Maretron Proprietary Set Period Sentence
The SSC200 can be programmed to enable or disable the periodic transmission of the HDG, HDM,
HDT, ROT, and PMAROUT sentences. In addition, the periodic transmission rate for these sentences
and the Variation Lifetime (see RMC and VTG) can be programmed using this sentence.
Field A: Identifier code, identifies the sentence or parameter to be programmed (see following table)
B: Integer where “0” disables sentence and positive numbers are multipliers of 1ms (i.e.,
programmed integer of 200 would mean a 200ms transmission interval)
Identifier Code
Default Rate
100 (100ms)
0 or Disabled
0 or Disabled
200 or 200ms
1000 or 1sec
5000 or 5sec
Variation Lifetime
Some example sentences are shown below:
1. To disable transmission of the HDG sentence:
2. To enable transmission of the HDG sentence at intervals of 100 ms:
3. To disable transmission of the HDM sentence:
4. To enable transmission of the HDM sentence at intervals of 1000 ms:
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Appendix A – NMEA 0183 Interfacing
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5. To disable transmission of the HDT sentence:
6. To enable transmission of the HDT sentence at intervals of 100 ms:
7. To disable transmission of the ROT sentence:
8. To enable transmission of the ROT sentence at intervals of 100 ms:
9. To disable transmission of the PMAROUT sentence:
10.To enable transmission of the PMAROUT sentence at intervals of 1 sec:
PMARSETP – Maretron Proprietary Set Period Sentence
NOTE: This sentence is included for compatibility with older versions of SSC200 firmware. The
PMARSETPX sentence offers finer resolution and should be used if available.
The SSC200 can be programmed to enable or disable the periodic transmission of the HDG, HDM,
HDT, ROT, and PMAROUT sentences. In addition, the periodic transmission rate for these sentences
and the Variation Lifetime (see RMC and VTG) can be programmed using this sentence.
Field A: Identifier code, identifies the sentence or parameter to be programmed (see following table)
B: Integer where “0” disables sentence and positive numbers are multipliers of 1ms (i.e.,
programmed integer of 2 would mean a 200ms transmission interval)
Identifier Code
Default Rate
1 or 100ms
0 or Disabled
0 or Disabled
2 or 200ms
10 or 1sec
Variation Lifetime
50 or 5sec
SSC200 NMEA 0183 Initiated Deviation Calibration
NMEA 0183 initiated deviation calibration is accomplished by turning the vessel through at
least 3 complete circles after the SSC200 receives a Maretron proprietary NMEA 0183
sentence. The procedure is as follows:
2. Warm up the compass by operating it for approximately 10 minutes,
3. Turn the vessel (either direction) such that you complete a full 360° turn in 2½ minutes
or less (try not to go below 1 minute for a complete circle),
4. Send the following Maretron proprietary NMEA0183 sentence to the SSC200 while
continuing to turn the vessel:
a. $PMAREXE,SSC200,,FD,0,,,<CR><LF> This will turn off all periodic transmissions
such that you can easily see status messages associated with the calibration
b. $PMAREXE,SSC200,,F0,,,,<CR><LF> This will initiate a reset and force the
SSC200 to start the calibration process
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SSC200 User’s Manual
5. Continue turning the vessel through at least 3 circles until you see one of the following
Maretron proprietary sentences:
a. $IITXT,01,01,02,Deviation Calibration Successfully Completed*17<CR><LF> This
sentence indicates a successful calibration and you can jump to step number 6.
b. $IITXT,01,01,03,Deviation Calibration Failed To Complete*43<CR><LF> This
sentence indicates that the calibration failed (return to step number 1).
6. Turn the periodic transmissions back on by sending the following Maretron proprietary
NMEA0183 sentence to the SSC200 - $PMAREXE,SSC200,,FD,1,,,<CR><LF>
7. Proceed to Installation-Offset Correction
SSC200 NMEA 0183 Installation-Offset Correction
Installation-offset correction can be performed by sending a Maretron proprietary NMEA 0183
sentence to the SSC200. The procedure is as follows:
1. Make sure the vessel is laying in flat water on a known heading,
2. Send the following Maretron proprietary NMEA 0183 sentence to the SSC200:
$PMAREXE,SSC200,,24,”known heading in tenths of degrees”,,,<CR><LF>
Where “known heading in tenths of degrees” is expressed in 10th of degrees (i.e., 121.7°
would be programmed as 1217)
Sending this Maretron proprietary NMEA 0183 sentence to the SSC200 causes the heading,
roll, and pitch offsets to be written to permanent memory.
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Appendix A – NMEA 0183 Interfacing
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Appendix B – NMEA 2000® Interfacing
SSC200 NMEA 2000® Periodic Data Transmitted PGNs
PGN 127250 – Vessel Heading
The SSC200 uses this PGN to indicate the vessel’s heading. The Heading Sensor Reading
(field 2) includes deviation, therefore Deviation (field 2) always contains zero. Variation (field 4)
is not provided by the SSC200, therefore this field always contains a value of 0x7FFF (data not
available). Since the SSC200’s core technology is based on magnetometers, the Heading
Sensor Reference (field 5) is always set to magnetic.
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For example,
the SSC200 will transmit identical SIDs for Vessel Heading (PGN 127250), Attitude
(127257), and Rate of Turn (127251) to indicate that the readings are linked together
(i.e., the data from each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported
at slightly different times).
2: Heading Sensor Reading – This field is used to report the vessel’s heading and
includes deviation assuming a deviation table has been successfully loaded through
the magnetic deviation calibration process.
3: Deviation – The deviation is included in field 2, therefore this field always reads as 0.
4: Variation – The SSC200 does not use this field so the field is transmitted with the
value 0x7FFF (data not available). See PGN 127258 for information regarding the
SSC200 and its ability to transmit magnetic variation.
5: Heading Sensor Reference – The SSC200 transmits a “1” in this field to indicate that
the heading is referenced to magnetic North
6: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the SSC200 sets all bits to a
logic 1.
PGN 127251 – Rate of Turn
The SSC200 uses this PGN to indicate the vessel’s rate of turn.
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For example,
the SSC200 will transmit identical SIDs for Vessel Heading (PGN 127250), Attitude
(127257), and Rate of Turn (127251) to indicate that the readings are linked together
(i.e., the data from each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported
at slightly different times).
2: Rate of Turn – This field is used to report the vessel’s rate of turn.
3: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the SSC200 sets all bits to a
logic 1.
PGN 127257 – Attitude
The SSC200 uses this PGN to indicate the vessel’s attitude (pitch and roll). The Yaw (field 2)
is not used, therefore this field always contains 0x7FFF (data not available).
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For example,
the SSC200 will transmit identical SIDs for Vessel Heading (PGN 127250), Attitude
(127257), and Rate of Turn (127251) to indicate that the readings are linked together
(i.e., the data from each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported
at slightly different times).
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Appendix B – NMEA 2000® Interfacing
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SSC200 User’s Manual
2: Yaw – This field always contains a value of 0x7FFF (data not available).
3: Pitch – This field is used to report the vessel’s pitch.
4: Roll – This field is used to report the vessel’s roll.
5: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the SSC200 sets all bits to a
logic 1.
PGN 127258 – Magnetic Variation
The SSC200 may or may not periodically transmit this PGN depending on whether or not it has
been programmed with the local magnetic variation. Programming the magnetic variation
(through a Maretron display product like the DSM200) will cause the SSC200 to transmit this
PGN once per second. If the local magnetic variation is not known, then the variation can be
disabled (again, through a display product like the DSM200) at which time the SSC200 will
cease to transmit this PGN.
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For example,
the SSC200 will transmit identical SIDs for Vessel Heading (PGN 127250), Attitude
(127257), and Rate of Turn (127251) to indicate that the readings are linked together
(i.e., the data from each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported
at slightly different times).
2: Variation Source – This field always contains a value of 0x00 (manual entry).
3: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the SSC200 sets all bits to a
logic 1.
4: Age of Service – This field always contains a value of 0x7FFF (data not available).
5: Variation – This field is used to report the local magnetic variation as entered by the
user. Positive values are Easterly and negative values are Westerly.
WARNING: Magnetic variation changes as your location on the earth changes and it
should be adjusted with these changes. Neither the DSM200 nor the SSC200 will make
these changes automatically; they are the responsibility of the user.
SSC200 NMEA 2000® Non-Periodic Data Transmitted PGNs
PGN 126270 – Maretron Proprietary Slave Response – Deviation Calibration Status
This indicates the status of the deviation calibration process.
Field 1: Maretron Vendor ID and Industry Code (16 bits) – this field’s value will be 0x9889
2: Product Code (16 bits) – this field’s value will be 0x1B2, which is the NMEA 2000®
product code for the SSC200.
3: Software Code (16 bits) – this field’s value will be 0x0001, which is the identifier for
this version of the Maretron proprietary protocol
4: Command (8 bits) – this field’s value will be 0x50, which indicates that this response
contains status for deviation calibration
5: Status Code (8 bits) – this field will indicate the status of the calibration process with
one of the values from the following table (see following table).
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Appendix B – NMEA 2000® Interfacing
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Message Name
Deviation Calibration
This message is transmitted at the beginning of the magnetic
deviation calibration process.
Deviation Calibration
This message is transmitted upon successful completion of the
Completed Successfully magnetic deviation calibration process (i.e., a new deviation table
has been stored in permanent memory).
Deviation Calibration
Failed to Complete
The SSC200 attempts to perform calibration 5 times before
giving up and issuing this sentence. Each time the SSC200
encounters an error (see message identifiers 04, 05, and 06) it
restarts the calibration process. Upon the 5th error, the SSC200
exits the calibration routine and it must be restarted before it will
once again try to perform deviation calibration.
Deviation Calibration
Turning Too Fast
During calibration, the vessel must not turn to fast where the
SSC200 is unable to reliably develop deviation data. If the
SSC200 senses the vessel turning to quickly, it will issue this
message and restart deviation calibration as long as it has not
failed five times.
During calibration, the vessel must not turn to slowly where the
SSC200 is unable to reliably develop deviation data. If the
SSC200 senses the vessel turning to slowly, it will issue this
message and restart deviation calibration as long as it has not
failed five times.
During calibration, the vessel must not jerk or reverse directions
where the SSC200 is unable to reliably develop deviation data. If
the SSC200 senses an invalid movement, it will issue this
message and restart deviation calibration as long as it has not
failed five times.
Deviation Calibration
Turning Too Slow
Deviation Calibration
Invalid Movement
SSC200 NMEA 2000® Received PGNs
PGN 126208 – NMEA Command Group Function – Maretron Proprietary Reset
This will initiate a reset and force the SSC200 to start the calibration process.
Field 1: Complex Command Group Function Code (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x01,
which denotes a command PGN
2: Commanded PGN (24 bits) – set this field’s value to 126720, which denotes the
Maretron proprietary PGN
3: Priority Setting (4 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x8, which indicates to leave priority
settings unchanged
4: Reserved (4 bits) – set this field’s value to 0xF, which is the value for a reserved field
of this size
5: Number of Pairs of Commanded Parameters to Follow (8 bits) – set this field’s value
to 0x4, indicating that four parameters will follow
6: Number of First Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x1
7: Maretron Vendor ID and Industry Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x9889
8: Number of Second Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x02
9: Product Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x1B2, which is the NMEA 2000®
product code for the SSC200.
10: Number of Third Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x03
11: Software Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x0001, which is the identifier for
this version of the Maretron proprietary protocol
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SSC200 User’s Manual
12: Maretron Command – set this field’s value to 0xF0, which will initiate a reset and start
the calibration process.
PGN 126208 – NMEA Command Group Function – Maretron Proprietary Installation
Offset. This PGN performs the installation offset of the compass. It sets the roll and pitch
outputs to zero at the compass’ current orientation and sets the heading reading for the current
orientation to the value given by the PGN (see page B3 for complete description of PGN
Field 1: Complex Command Group Function Code (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x01,
which denotes a command PGN
2: Commanded PGN (24 bits) – set this field’s value to 126720 decimal (0x1EF00
hexadecimal), which denotes the Maretron proprietary PGN
3: Priority Setting (4 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x8, which indicates to leave priority
settings unchanged
4: Reserved (4 bits) – set this field’s value to 0xF, which is the value for a reserved field
of this size
5: Number of Pairs of Commanded Parameters to Follow (8 bits) – set this field’s value
to 0x4, indicating that four parameters will follow
6: Number of First Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x1
7: Maretron Vendor ID and Industry Code (16 bits) – set this field to 0x9889, which is a
combination of Maretron’s vendor ID and the marine industry code
8: Number of Second Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x02
9: Product Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x1B2, which is the NMEA 2000®
product code for the SSC200.
10: Number of Third Commanded Parameter (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x03
11: Software Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x0001, which is the identifier for
this version of the Maretron proprietary protocol
12: Maretron Command (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x24, which will cause
installation-offset calibration to be performed
13: Heading Value (16 bits) – set this field’s value to the current known heading in tenths
of degrees (a value between 0 and 3599). For example, 121.7° would be
programmed as 1217 decimal, or 0x4C1 hexadecimal.
PGN 126208 – NMEA Request Group Function – Transmission Periodic Rate
This PGN will enable or disable the periodic transmission of specific PGNs.
Field 1: Complex Command Group Function Code (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x00,
which denotes a request PGN
2: Requested PGN (24 bits) – set this field’s value to the corresponding PGN for which
you wish to change the periodic rate.
3: Transmission Interval (32 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x0 to disable the periodic
transmission of the PGN identified in field 2 above. Otherwise, program in the default
periodic rate to restore periodic transmission of the PGN identified in field 2 above.
The resolution of this field is 1 millisecond.
4: Transmission Interval Offset (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0xFFFF; all other
values will cause the request to be rejected.
5: Number of Pairs of Commanded Parameters to Follow (8 bits) – set this field’s value
to 0x0.
Page B4
Appendix B – NMEA 2000® Interfacing
Revision 1.8
SSC200 NMEA 2000® Initiated Deviation Calibration
NMEA 2000® initiated deviation calibration is accomplished by turning the vessel through at
least 3 complete circles after the SSC200 receives a Maretron proprietary NMEA 2000® PGN.
The procedure is as follows:
2. Warm up the compass by operating it for approximately 10 minutes,
3. Turn the vessel (either direction) such that you complete a full 360° turn in 2½ minutes
or less (try not to go below 1 minute for a complete circle),
4. Send the following NMEA 2000® PGN to the SSC200 while continuing to turn the
PGN 126208 – NMEA Command Group Function – Maretron Proprietary Reset.
This will initiate a reset and force the SSC200 to start the calibration process (see page
B3 for complete description of PGN 126208).
5. Continue turning the vessel through at least 3 circles until you see one of the following
Maretron proprietary NMEA 2000® PGNs:
a. PGN 126270 – Maretron Proprietary Slave Response – Deviation Calibration
Successfully Completed. This indicates successful completion of the deviation
calibration process (see page B2 for complete description of PGN 126270).
b. PGN 126270 – Maretron Proprietary Slave Response – Deviation Calibration
Failed to Complete. This indicates a failure of the deviation calibration process
(see page B2 for complete description of PGN 126270).
SSC200 NMEA 2000® Installation-Offset Correction
Installation-offset correction can be performed by sending a Maretron proprietary NMEA 2000®
PGN to the SSC200. The procedure is as follows:
1. Make sure the vessel is laying in flat water on a known heading,
2. Send the following NMEA 2000® PGN to the SSC200:
a. PGN 126208 – NMEA Command Group Function – Maretron Proprietary
Installation Offset. This PGN performs the installation offset of the compass. It
sets the roll and pitch outputs to zero at the compass’ current orientation and
sets the heading reading for the current orientation to the value given by the PGN
(see page B2 for a complete description of PGN 126270).
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Appendix B – NMEA 2000® Interfacing
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Appendix C – Connecting to a PC Via NMEA 0183
In order to perform configuration of the SSC200 over the NMEA 0183 interface, it is preferable that the
connection be made by a RS-232 to RS-422 level converter. In the case that a level converter is not available,
the following method can be attempted:
1. Connect the SSC200 to the PC's serial port. Please note that the SSC200 uses RS-422 signal levels,
while PC serial ports operate with RS-232 signal levels. If you do not have a RS-232 to RS-422 level
converter, some people have reported success connecting directly to a RS-232 serial port using the
following connections:
a. Connect TXB (brown) and RXB (white) together and to the System Ground pin (GND, pin 5) of
the RS-232 port.
b. Connect TXA (gray) to the Receive Data pin (RXD, pin 2) of the RS-232 port.
c. Connect RXA (blue) to the Transmit Data pin (TXD, pin 3) of the RS-232 port.
Ensure that the NMEA 0183 signals from the SSC200 are connected to nothing else besides the
computer’s RS-232 port to avoid ground loops. While some people have had success with this method,
Maretron cannot guarantee that such a connection will work with every computer and highly recommends
the use of a level converter.
2. Connect power to the compass:
a. Connect 9-16 VDC to V+ (red).
b. Connect system ground to V- (black).
3. Start Hyperterm and connect it to the port to which the SSC200 is connected (4800 or 38400 bps,
depending on the baudrate the compass is set to, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). You should now see
compass data in the form of NMEA0183 sentences on the Hyperterm screen.
4. Type "shell".
The NMEA0183 sentences will stop and a "cmd>" prompt will appear.
Revision 1.8 Appendix C – Connecting to a PC Via NMEA 0183
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Appendix C – Connecting to a PC Via NMEA 0183 Revision 1.8
Appendix D – Configuring the SSC200 to Transmit True
Heading Data
The SSC200 is factory configured to transmit magnetic heading data on the NMEA0183 interface. Some NMEA
0183 applications require true heading data. This application note describes how to configure the SSC200 to
transmit true heading data
The SSC200 compass must have firmware revision 1.7 or greater.
The SSC200 compass must either transmit the default HDG sentence or be configured to transmit the
HDT sentence (see Application Note #1, “Configuring the SSC200 to Transmit the HDT Sentence for
Satellite Antennas and Radars”).
There are two choices for a magnetic variation source for the SSC200, GPS (preferred) or manual.
GPS Variation
In order to use a GPS to enable the SSC200 compass to transmit true heading data, the GPS antenna must
transmit magnetic variation data. Not all GPS antennas transmit magnetic variation data. Please consult the GPS
antenna user’s manual for details.
1. Ensure that the GPS antenna is configured to transmit either the RMC or VTG sentence. Either sentence
should work equally well.
2. Connect the NMEA 0183 output of the GPS antenna to the NMEA 0183 input of the SSC200. Please note
the following cable connections on the SSC200:
GPS Connection
SSC200 Connection
Blue Wire, RXA (RX+)
White wire, RXB (RX-)
3. The SSC200 should now be transmitting true heading data. Examine the NMEA 0183 sentences coming
from the SSC200 or check the heading indication on the system connected to the NMEA 0183 output of
the SSC200 for true heading data.
4. If no true heading data is observed at this point, try
d. switching the wires on the GPS->SSC200 connection, as not all manufacturers are consistent in
their labeling of the NMEA 0183 wires
e. ensuring the SSC200 is configured to transmit either HDG or HDT
f. ensuring the GPS antenna is transmitting Magnetic Variation Data. The sentences should look
one of the sentences below, where the lowercase letter placeholders are replaced with numerical
The two underlined fields contain the magnetic variation data and must be present in order
for this sentence to be used for magnetic variation.
The two underlined fields contain the true and magnetic course over ground data. Both
values must be present in order for this sentence to be used for magnetic variation.
Manual Variation
1. Connect the SSC200 to the PC's serial port and obtain the “cmd>” prompt per the instructions in
Appendix C.
2. To program the SSC200 with a manually magnetic variation value, type the following sentence
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Appendix D – Transmitting True Heading Data
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SSC200 User’s Manual
Where <variation> is the magnetic variation in units of degrees and resolution in tenth of degrees –
positive values represent easterly variation, and negative values represent westerly variation.
For example, to program the SSC200 with 18.0° easterly magnetic variation, as might be seen in Seattle,
WA, USA, type the sentence:
To program the SSC200 with 5.5° westerly magnetic variation, as might be seen on the east coast of
Florida, USA, type the sentence:
5. The SSC200 should now be transmitting true heading data. Examine the NMEA 0183 sentences coming
from the SSC200 or check the heading indication on the system connected to the NMEA 0183 output of
the SSC200 for true heading data.
Page D2
Appendix D – Transmitting True Heading Data
Revision 1.8
Appendix E - Configuring the SSC200 to Transmit the HDT
Sentence for Satellite Antennas and Radars
The SSC200 is factory configured to transmit the HDG sentence 10 times per second. However, certain satellite
antennas and radars need the HDT sentence. This application note explains how to change the transmitted
sentence from to HDT.
The SSC200 compass must have firmware revision 1.7 or greater.
The SSC200 compass must have a GPS source for magnetic variation information or must be manually
programmed with the local magnetic variation (Please see Maretron Application Note #2, “Configuring the
SSC200 to transmit True Heading Data”)
1. Connect the SSC200 to the PC's serial port and obtain the “cmd>” prompt per the instructions in
Appendix C.
2. To disable transmission of the HDG sentence, type the following sentence:
3. To enable transmission of the HDT sentence at 100 ms intervals (10 times per second), type the
*Note: For compasses with firmware revision 1.8 or greater, a NMEA 0183 checksum is optional. For
compasses with earlier firmware revisions, a correct NMEA 0183 checksum is required.
4. Type “exit” or simply power the SSC200 off and then on again. You should now observe HDT sentences
being transmitted.
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Appendix E – Transmitting the HDT Sentence
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Appendix E – Transmitting the HDT Sentence
Revision 1.8
Appendix F – Changing the NMEA0183 Identifier
Transmitted by the SSC200
The identifier for NMEA0183 sentences transmitted by the SSC200 is set by the factory to be “II”; however, some
users may need to change this to other values. This addendum explains how to change the NMEA 0183 identifier
for the SSC200.
The SSC200 compass must have firmware revision 1.7 or greater.
1. Connect the SSC200 to the PC's serial port and obtain the “cmd>” prompt per the instructions in
Appendix C.
2. Type the following sentence
Where ?? is replaced by the two-character identifier you wish the SSC200 to transmit (for example, to
change to a heading of HE, type the sentence
*Note: For compasses with firmware revision 1.8 or greater, a NMEA 0183 checksum is optional. For
compasses with earlier firmware revisions, a correct NMEA 0183 checksum is required.
3. Type “exit” or simply power the SSC200 off and then on again. You should now observe sentences being
transmitted using the desired NMEA 0183 identifier.
Revision 1.8
Appendix F – Changing the NMEA 0183 Identifier
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